Robb Huff 0:57 Just to shoot coalition. Carolyn How are you today. Carolyn Reed 2:23 I'm good, how are you good. Robb Huff 2:27 I'm hoping that our Smoke will be gone by the end of the day. Carolyn Reed 2:31 Ah, I am so sick of it. Robb Huff 2:35 Yeah, you and everybody else. Carolyn Reed 2:37 Yeah. That's pretty bad and I have allergies and asthma and all that crap so it's hard for me to, you know, go outside for long periods of time and it's really hard to walk with a n 95 mask. Yeah, Robb Huff 2:55 I, I took a couple of days where I, I usually run every day at least three miles. Um, I took a couple of days off last weekend because it was so bad. And then the rest of the time, I've run with a cloth mask with double paper towel in the front of it as a filter. Carolyn Reed 3:12 Yeah. Robb Huff 3:14 It made it a lot harder to breathe. Carolyn Reed 3:17 I bet. Yeah, it really in those end 95 are the only ones that can get those small particulates, and yeah, right. I, I could only wear it for a walk yesterday. Robb Huff 3:32 Yeah, Yeah, so. Carolyn Reed 3:35 Yeah, so we're, we're chugging along with our volunteer training, can you know that yeah we're doing zoom meetings we just finished our last one last week. So I think next time we do it we want to open it up to more people. So let me know if you got any ideas on that. Robb Huff 3:59 Okay. Carolyn Reed 4:03 Yeah. How about you guys How you doing, I guess you're working hard on those temporary shelters Huh. Robb Huff 4:12 Well, so it's just you know MDC because of the number of services we do so we've had a number of services that are still been in person. So, our detox services, our mental health services in what we call the evaluation and treatment center where people are actually committed there obviously those all have to be in person. And then, then we've shifted a lot of the outpatient counseling for mental health and substance use to to do telehealth. Yeah. But essentially, it's just been juggling to try to keep doing the things we do. Despite the virus despite the smoke, you know, whatever obstacles are in the way. Carolyn Reed 5:01 Yeah. Yeah, I bet it's really hard for all you folks in the mental health field to because I know it's probably not as effective to do a zoom meeting Robb Huff 5:16 it. It's interesting, some people and actually they're more comfortable with it than they are with meeting in person. But yeah, you can't have the same kind of group meeting feedback with other people in the room when you're doing it over. Zoom or you know whatever tool you're using. So, yeah, try to roll with it and make the most of it and we all know, mental health is going to be, it's impacting everybody the challenges from COVID and the smoke and everything else and it's accumulating. So, Carolyn Reed 5:53 yeah, right. I would imagine I mean I even know for myself, you know, Robb Huff 6:00 it's harder. Yep. Yeah. Good morning marine Megan wedding. Unknown Speaker 6:06 I Maureen Howard 6:10 can't hear, Megan oh Robb Huff 6:11 are you Unknown Speaker 6:12 I can't hear you. Ah. Robb Huff 6:17 Are you hear you but you're a fan Okay, Maureen Howard 6:19 that's better. Megan Capes 6:20 You're better than I could open my computer. Um, it's really, I did. I've been using this really cool tool called Padlet, which is like an anonymous like centrally sticky notes you can have like deep conversations because they. Yeah, it's really cool but so many students and middle schoolers are struggling to connect with one another, they're just like desperately wanting to what's really cute and also just like, oh I couldn't imagine going through middle school. Unknown Speaker 6:53 In this. Carolyn Reed 6:54 Yeah. Well, good for you, you're a teacher. Megan Capes 6:59 I am a Ma'am, we ever want to use Padlet Rob I haven't. Um, so Robb Huff 7:06 yeah, if we think there's a good application to use it for the coalition that'd be cool. Megan Capes 7:10 It's cool for brainstorming, if you want everyone, so you can see everyone's notes live as they type, right. Um, so, ever wanting to like brainstorm or a chicken it's a cool tool. Carolyn Reed 7:24 Do you use it while you're like on a zoom meeting. Then, like a separate app going on. Okay, Megan Capes 7:31 like a link you can open in a browser. Okay. Robb Huff 7:35 James. Carolyn Reed 7:38 I'm gonna put myself on mute. Robb Huff 7:41 I should do that to myself too. Yeah. Maureen Howard 7:45 Likewise, James Pogue 7:46 how are you guys. Good. Unknown Speaker 7:49 We go forward. Robb Huff 7:51 I'm hopeful that I, are we will emerge from the other side of the smoke here, send me to I'm James Pogue 7:57 dying, dying man this is tough. Maureen Howard 8:00 Yeah, just extended it another day, I think. Robb Huff 8:04 Don't tell me that Maureen Howard 8:05 I know. Carolyn Reed 8:09 Yeah, we'll just look outside it's looks just like Theresa Power-Drutis 8:11 yesterday. Maureen Howard 8:12 We're still red. Robb Huff 8:15 Yeah. Yeah. The last time I looked this morning we were at 152 or something. Maureen Howard 8:22 Who would have thought that'd be a good number. Robb Huff 8:25 Yeah, no kidding. Oh, I gotta send somebody the link to the meeting. James Pogue 8:38 And so the first agenda item is to rob the air quality conversation. Robb Huff 8:43 Yeah, and I figured that could just be kind of freewheeling, what did people do, I mean it Give it, give you a chance to talk about what the city did. And how many folks you've seen out at the community center. And I don't know if we'll have anybody from Pew all up here I know, I know that I heard on the shelter providers call yesterday that they actually shut down there's because they'd only had one person. James Pogue 9:13 Yesterday we had one, and then the day before we had zero so I'll check in today but we were not getting a lot of customers. Robb Huff 9:21 Yeah. Not yet. Janet Runbeck 9:27 I was at both sites for the first two days, and the city for the last two days and those numbers are correct people are not coming. Robb Huff 9:39 Yeah, people know that I know the gallops site was actually outside the city. So I, I heard, Paula mentioned that she thought it was, you know, it was a long haul for people to get there. Nate 9:53 Yeah, it's so our sights also a little remote people people are being told. But, yeah, we don't have, we don't have a lot of participants yet just one yesterday and we're empty today so far but the outreach team is going around like any bus passes and trying to get folks to head this way. cool, cool. Janet Runbeck 10:11 There's no food offered at a side, at least a pure yellow pad, some pretty respectable snacks, you know, heavy duty healthy snacks but there's no food. As Robb Huff 10:22 I thought there were supposed to be snacks and he said, Unknown Speaker 10:25 No, I wonder if I wonder. Maureen Howard 10:30 Megan If that's you, we're not hearing you. Megan Capes 10:32 I'm wondering who to reach out to like what food bank or T Mac or something, to make sure we get snacks up there. Maureen Howard 10:40 The city said they were there in that. Yeah, and they report they would have snacks. So Unknown Speaker 10:47 why don't we have Janet Runbeck 10:48 as a 4pm last night, there were no snacks Maureen Howard 10:52 at all. Right. You're saying, Nate 10:55 I mean, I brought doughnuts today. Robb Huff 10:57 That's cool. Oh yeah. They were like holy healthy doughnuts right. Unknown Speaker 11:03 No, no. Maureen Howard 11:06 Rob Did you see my email about adding something to the agenda. Robb Huff 11:10 I didn't. Maureen Howard 11:11 Okay, so there's a request from Reverend Christopher I saw that, okay. So if we can plug that in. I'm suggesting maybe just after the greater to coma discussion and you can take the time out of my time at the end. Okay. Does that sound okay. Robb Huff 11:33 I did put together the poll for today so hopefully that'll all be cool. And hi Angela in the chat parenting classes for Theresa Power-Drutis 11:54 those in Catholic community services offer parenting classes. Nate 12:03 Sorry about that. Carrie Ching 12:05 Hi this is Carrie, Teresa, this is Carrie. I'm the family support partnership we do have family parenting classes it's online. We can do them one on one. It's all on zoom, or groups, the groups are on zoom. The group ones are starting in November, the registration is for November 4 and they. The requirement is that they have to commit to those eight sessions, and they're about two hours each. So if you want more information I can send it to someone, the flyer and whoever needs it can get it to their clients or parents, carry it Theresa Power-Drutis 12:50 on the resource website Carrie Ching 12:54 thing you know, before the TPC h d website Theresa Power-Drutis 12:58 knows everything about the, the one that. Yeah, the, maybe it is the one that set up that we can get to through this website. Carrie Ching 13:13 I got a check. That's a good idea. Great. Theresa Power-Drutis 13:15 It would be on there. Carrie Ching 13:17 Yes, I will send James the necessary info the link on the FSP family support partnership website, and then it can just be a link to there and families can just press a button to read to register. Maureen Howard 13:33 Yeah, that'd be great. Okay. Pretty background noise from somebody. Unknown Speaker 13:38 Yeah, no, Unknown Speaker 13:39 sorry, might be me. Maureen Howard 13:41 No, no, no, only because I know when people with hearing numbers come on. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 13:48 yeah, could be me, Maureen Howard 13:50 mute yourself for a sec. Let's see if it is. Yep, do. Robb Huff 13:58 It's, it's because of all the How pretty your background is carried and it's just, it's blowing all the speakers out James Pogue 14:14 for those that are popping in and hearing us discuss, we're still about two or so minutes away from starting our agenda you didn't miss anything we're just having sidebar conversations in front of everybody. So we'll kind of wait two more minutes and then we'll get started. Maureen Howard 14:30 Well then, another sidebar. One of the things I didn't think about when we were talking about highlighting outreach teams was. So I went to the city and county to see which teams they funded, but you know I'm guessing the VA has teams, there probably are teams that are funded directly by this state, you know through youth programs or something like that through the Office of homeless youth I mean, there probably other teams out there, I just don't happen didn't, I didn't think about those other sources, but the other thing out in the middle of the night. Was this the the sort of self help teams. I'm thinking like the coma mutual aid I mean sometimes Janell will post, you know that she's talked to 100 people on the street, that kind of thing. A different homeless. Humans homeless in Tacoma different Facebook groups, and play groups. We don't even know about, you know, James Pogue 15:32 this morning, a lot of the, the outreach teams we do work together with the VA team with the youth teams, I mean they're not all the ones that Valerie, and the conversation will include today will be the ones that we know about the collaborative regardless of funding. Maureen Howard 15:48 Well, she just gave me the funded ones. James Pogue 15:52 And we can still talk how they funded. Okay, well we can still talk about the other few other ones though I think Maureen Howard 15:57 we need to talk about all of them. I just didn't think to go to anybody else. Robb Huff 16:02 It was a good starter list and then we can build on it with the conversation, so that's cool. Maureen when we talk about when we talk about the sustainability of the coalition piece. Do you want to have the ability to share the proposal you sent out from Garrett, as a starting point so that we can start that conversation. Maureen Howard 16:27 Oh that one pager the, Yeah, three. If you would put it up, that'd be great. Robb Huff 16:33 I mean, that means I gotta go find it. Oh, okay, I can do that, Maureen Howard 16:38 and you find it. Okay. Yeah. So, I was called a technological Luddite yesterday but like that bad but I have a new computer but I have not been able to transfer the files from the old one yet. Mm hmm. So while I have everything. It's over there. Robb Huff 16:57 Right. Oh, I see. Al Ratcliffe 17:00 Really go all the time. Robb Huff 17:04 I knew I once had everything but. Unknown Speaker 17:08 Well, Maureen Howard 17:09 I don't know when you came in out but we're adding the TMA Reverend Christopher's invitation recommendation into the agenda. Paula Anderson 17:20 Yeah, we, we really should partner with them they're getting into the homeless business and in useful and important ways. Oh, also the other thing we're in is I wonder, do we want to mention this, urging from Ben, to, to support the residential infill. Maureen Howard 17:41 Yeah, I thought we could well. We, you can mention that today or we can take that up. Get it out and take it up next week. Because it's October 6 is the date. James Pogue 17:56 I want to start kicking off the agenda so I'll let you guys figure that out behind the scenes as much as I am, Joy showing the 40 participants, you know how unorganized we are behind the scenes. We do have a pretty packed agenda and while we have a couple of discussion topics, it may take lesser and longer so I want to least get to the first couple of them. I'm not going to do any kick off really except for to say like, it is smoky out there, and the first topic that we're chatting about is how has that affected your kind of protocol your services has anything changed for you. Have you found creative ways to still be serving. During this time it's really just a discussion I do want to hand off to Nate first my staff who is over at the Eastside community center and what the city has funded, or has opened to do during this temporary time. He's actually there in the parking lot, he's. As you can see, been willing to go out into his car that to share what he's doing, what they've doing have we've only had one customer but I'm going to hand off to Nate. Nate 18:58 Oh, geez. Hey everybody. Yeah, so I mean we're here at the security center. We haven't had a lot of engagement yet but it was thrown together pretty quick right so we we all kind of recognized that we didn't have a space for homeless folks to go and get out of the air at all so like we're pretty jazzed about this. We've also sort of repurposed. The our outreach team to kind of go out like check folks for their house see how they're doing. Give them bus passes if they want to come here, so that they can kind of transport back and forth. What's kind of exciting about this too is that we have a lot of other agencies like vocation and the Medical Reserve Corps that are kind of out here with us that are doing all that good work hi john How you doing so. James if you want me to talk about the mobile clinic now to James Pogue 19:43 that next topic, it's really just an intro that we have this day center it's from eight to four. And we're declaring it day by day based on the city they've kind of unofficially told us that will at least go until Monday depending on both usage and the weather. So, we email all the shelters that we know that don't have day centers to say, if you have clients that are going to be discharged in the morning, can you bust them or take them down their rescue mission sent one yesterday so thank you for that and then Bethlehem Baptist was right down the street from us I was kind of hoping we'd have more crossover folks that are sleeping there but yeah we're open just walk in, yeah series team from blows their mate, and conference is there recovery Cafe is there and there's no clients there. So, anything you can do to help give folks, we're going to be open during the weekend, at least, and then on Monday we make it if we don't have any customers or the air quality, adjust. You tell me that. Oh sure I can put it in the link I don't have off top my head I didn't email it to the coalition I'll put it in the chat box. And if anybody else wants to share anything that they're doing as an agency during this time this is also a discussion, it's not just about this but if you have some things you've changed or altered or you're offering a space or anything this is a good time to jump in and share what you're doing that's unique Teresa, it Robb Huff 21:03 looks like has a question. Theresa Power-Drutis 21:05 Yes, I just want to know, did you make some kind of little flyer that says what's available there and the address and everything, because if you did I could, I'd be happy to have handed out on the street. You have something like that. James Pogue 21:17 I mean, we emailed the coalition. We put up everyone put on their Facebook page views the city's announcement the city made an official. So that's the flyer we've been using. There's a sign to you, according to the city today they put like an A frame sign on the Portland Avenue, right there, I believe. But no, as you can imagine emergency response is really Herky jerky so I can send you the city announcement again for the coalition and then I'll put the address in the chat box. Cool, thanks. Robb Huff 21:49 And then I'm not sure if anybody from Pew all up who worked with the scholler out there Maureen Howard 21:55 is on, Rob. Robb Huff 21:56 Okay, yeah, you Paula Anderson 21:58 go Hi. Hi. Rob I would just was typing something in the chat so. But yeah, just really briefly. We helped out with that we supplied some volunteers to go up there I was part of that as well. We were finding the same thing on Monday, which was the first day we had it open, I basically like wrestled one of my guys with a car to go up there and test it out but he had you know he has significant breathing issues and things like that. He went out there and stayed for about a half hour and then left, and I feel like too for the pileup area at least when we talk to the people that we did and we handed out multiple bus tickets and encourage people to get on there and get up there and take a breather. I will tell you that I think part of it is they did not want to leave their encampments and their belongings and things like that to go to a place that wasn't going to be like necessarily an overnight stay. I think most of them stayed in their tents and protected their, their eyes, their personal belongings. And most of them didn't really realize when I was talking with them, just how significant the air quality could be to somebody with breathing difficulties and things of that nature. And so I think it is a lack of information and understanding by the homeless population. But also, I believe that they just were not comfortable, leaving their tents and going up to a place that was out of way out of their area, normal area for something that would end at four o'clock I, that's part of what I I think so, Nate 23:57 yeah, if I can. Unknown Speaker 24:00 I was just gonna say, just one last thing, it was put together. Well, though I have to tell you that Ivan, you know he was contacting people on the weekend we were getting this thing set up. And we did keep it up and Monday through Wednesday the Pierce County Parks. They were fantastic to deal with they have a fogging one of those backpack fogger things they were disinfecting even though there were people there every couple of hours. They made sure that we were comfortable had everything we need put fans up worked with us. So I believe that if there was another opportunity for something for us to be able to do that I think that was an excellent place to do that. It just may involve more with our folks anyway us, literally taking a van and driving people to that location I think that would have been a little bit more comfortable to people. So, but it was excellent I thought I thought everybody the nursing Corps and the health department, I thought it just went really well. Nate 25:11 Yeah, I wanted to pile in a little bit on that. I think that there is definitely a lack of understanding in the community. The extent of the risk, given the climate given the sort of circumstances that people are finding themselves in outside. It is really hard to ask folks to leave their things to leave their pets, right, because there isn't a place here for them like I think, really, I think really what we're getting at is that we're on our heels here, right where if we were ahead of this if we had had a plan ahead of time if we'd had. If we had like weeks or maybe or maybe some kind of plan ahead of time to be like hey, we understand that there's the possibility for this when this happens our contingency will be. We're going to use this location, we're going to have access to these types of storage options for folks so they can come with their things, so that we can be meeting our clients in a way that is just a touch more supportive, because it is, it's awesome that we were able to pull this together and I don't want to underlie that like this is something from nothing and like no time which is great, But I think in the future because we know this is gonna keep happening with climate change, it'd be really beneficial to have like a plan for storage for people's things in addition to a place for them to go to get out of the elements would throw James Pogue 26:17 out though there's also some other component also must be at play because the folks in shelter already have to limit their supplies and follow the rules of shelter and we're not getting the shelter providers that don't have day services to get their clients over and Bethlehem Baptist again is up as like a couple of blocks down the street. And so I'm not sure what the hiccup was on those I get it with the encampments but there's also something else that that we haven't been able to bridge the gap on those that are sleeping in shelter but don't have a place to go during the day and they don't have other belongings as well. Angela 26:49 Excuse me, this is Angela from Bethlehem family shelter. And we are 24 hours. So our guests do not have to leave. So that might be the reason why you're not getting most of our guests, especially since we're right down the street but I can still let them know to let their people know that they do know that don't have a place to be, you know, 24 hours to come on out there and you know utilize those resources as well. James Pogue 27:16 Thank you for your time for our so thanks for that clarification I missed that it must have been the COVID update stuff I missed previously so thanks for sharing. Unknown Speaker 27:23 James. Unknown Speaker 27:25 Oh, sorry, Angela Are you still gone. Angela 27:28 Oh no, I just had no worries. I'm muting. Okay. Unknown Speaker 27:32 And James we're gonna take a crew out this afternoon. We had some prior engagements I think part of the challenge was just that it came together so quickly. As Nathan said to his point there wasn't a ton of planning and obviously this is a state emergency that we're in right now with this so I get the unpreparedness a little bit. But I think that anytime we have some type of solution like this we have to acknowledge that we're going into a community that has a set routine, and it's going to take time to be able to get them into where we're at and so doing outreach I think has been wonderful CLR has been out handing out bus tickets but really for this type of activity and I said this pretty early on is that we have to do shuttles. So we're going to try that this afternoon and see what we get. Unknown Speaker 28:18 Yes, Miss jam. Janet Runbeck 28:22 There may be a couple of overriding issues, one of which, it might be a design flaw, having to have folks leave at four o'clock. Why go to all the trouble of taking an hour to two hours to get there. In the case of Coleman there's no food, there was wonderful food and pellet but no food and coma. And then at four o'clock, you got to get out and then go back to wherever you think you might be staying. So I think a design flaw in the model. But the other thing is, I think that there's some. If you tell people, it's unhealthy to smoke. They keep on smoking right i mean there's there, just because we tell them as public health officials, it is unhealthy to breathe this air, you need to go where there's cleaner air, and then you've got the added component of an environment that is very uninviting. Why would I get out of my tent and look at the weather and get out there I think there's probably a new layer of perhaps depression or a mental health response to the weather. I wouldn't want to leave and go out, regardless of how unhealthy you tell me it is at least when I stay in my tent I can still breathe and I know my environment. So I think there's not a full appreciation of the mental health effect of when I have this kind of emergency, which is weather, and the inconvenience to the folks that were that we think we're trying to help. I'll shut up, except I have a wonderful example, this part, your ship works yesterday morning when we were out the side shelter, somebody from the coalition Jil Fisher sent an email out to the listserv. The, the email was there's a woman with no pants on on the south night the market. After shelter CLR staff, I read that message CLR staff immediately got on the situation, went to the site, have the resources and provided direct services to the woman, and only because we have this coalition in place we happen to be together and talked about it so the partnership works. Yes, everybody applaud because it worked. The partnership works, and we can do other things I think that there are some overriding things we're not understanding about this particular model. And this particular population. Maureen Howard 30:50 So there were a couple of other things that were tried early Saturday morning that some of you know, Pierce transit did Ivan, and Garrett together. Pierce transit did agree to provide buses, as an option to space, and the costs were covered by the Emergency Management Center, the drivers were covered, they were going to locate two buses at new hope to add trm into activity house, and they would take 10 people per bus because of social distancing, then the whole thing fell apart because there was no way to follow the Pierce transits COVID sanitation rolls and clean the buses every two hours and volunteers couldn't do that because of Pierce transit liability. So that's one model that you know people went down the road on, but to back it up a little bit. I think we, I don't know how many people went to the city and county and said what are you going to do, but I went after Alison needles contacted me and said hey, what are we going to do. And so after I sent her to Heather moss. Heather came back to us and said, Incident Command, you know, we'll have a response and so I mean I think you're right. A lot of people worked really hard, really fast. And even though we didn't have a perfect solution. We had way more than some of us thought was going to happen. Seattle opened a building 24 seven Spokane opened the Spokane Convention Center. I don't know what Clark County opened, but different people around the state use different models and so you know maybe one of the things when we can all breathe again is to do a little tighter kind of after action. And, and to get in like Nate was saying, you know that there ought to be something in place and we said this after the Snowmageddon and didn't really get anywhere with the emergency management people, but maybe you know different people, different times, maybe we get somewhere, and there is that sort of in place kind of plan that you just turned to page 45 and this is what everybody has already agreed to do and this is what you do. And so I mean, hats off to all of you who who did all sorts of stuff and I ranted a bit about rat race and class how the Red Cross could put housed people out of Sumner in hotel rooms, but we couldn't get anything for unhoused people, that that was within a group of about, I don't know 15 or so early Saturday morning. James Pogue 33:32 I would say just redirect the conversation. I think there might be some confusion that we started sharing a lot of the stuff that didn't work or that didn't happen. Only to say that we were asking the question if there's additional resources or different protocols for the smoke right now so we're starting the engine to our next conversation about outreach was was jam shared. But before we do that, is there anyone who is offering something unique and different this weekend to respond to the smoke. Is there additional already existing programs that are opening or more outreach with water and masks. Another thing we were doing by the way the city donated a bunch of expired and 95 masks that we can take as we've been not only going on outreach but we're giving them bus passes and we have a 95 mass handout as well I think they have somewhere around three or 400, they gave us. I saw Richard about rich, about to pop in Berg hammer did you want to take the mic. Rich Berghammer 34:30 It was a long lines of what you just mentioned, you know, we've got 90 fives. We've got the P one hundreds, you know, various types and I've been picking these up from Franciscan, and multicare things they cannot use at their facilities. And so I was just, you know, going to augment, you know, I see you've already got a hold of those so I was gonna mention that James Pogue 34:57 if you want to enrich this for people who don't know who you are and want to introduce who you are, where you're from and then if you are offering those to other outreach teams, then maybe they can connect with you via email if you want to put your contact info in the chat. But, introduce yourself. Don't think everyone knows who you are. Unknown Speaker 35:12 Rich Berg hammer, and I'm the Director of Outreach at fellowship Bible Church. But I used to work for a CLR and other, you know, local agencies and so I'm just going to using my contacts here to try to provide the resources, during this time that maybe others can't find. So yes, I will put my contact information down below. Thanks, James. James Pogue 35:40 Thank you. And so, I'll open up again one more time if you're doing anything unique or have a special resource you can share during this time, if not we'll move towards transition towards the outreach teams, but I'll give a couple of seconds so people can unmute themselves as they need to. Awesome. I'll take the awkward silence to be nothing to share if you do you can put it in the chat box and or email it to the full coalition. Obviously we're operating under duress, and stress and trying to be quick and responsive and if you have something to offer please share with the coalition. And now I will again hand back off to Valerie, I maybe she's here I see your name, but the talk about what outreach teams are out and being active and then I'll have my team talk about comprehensive. This, Valerie is not available so I can just wrote. Hey Val up she's on the phone. Okay, cool. So I will start with Nate and clrs outreach team because we're still out and active we haven't stopped during COVID and I told Nate to share about what we do during like normal COVID times as opposed to smoke induced COVID time so so pretending that the smoke goes away next week, maybe they can share what we aren't doing and continue to do, and I have some info to share as well ahead of me. Nate 37:03 Okay. Yeah, so, um, you know it's it's our normal outreach like we'll go out we'll respond to folks. If there's like an encampment or therapy that we find on the street that need help, we respond to lots of business calls right through our normal kind of positive interactions contract. And we also are equipped with peer specialists that can help folks that are facing some type of, you know, substance use, sort of issues. And we're also. Sorry about that. We're also well connected to all the other agencies in the area, um, a big kind of innovative thing that we're doing now that we're really excited about is, we have a new mobile clinic program, obviously like our clinic is shut down for walkins and so normally we have like walking hours, three days a week. What we're doing now is we're taking referrals from the community and from any of our partners for candidates that have 15 or more 20, or more tents and people combined. And what we're going to do. We have a. We have a van that we load up with four to six staff. We come with resources from like the needle exchange, food, water, pretty much anything you would need, and we're gonna put those spots on the docket for one day same time every week so like say Richard Tuesday from like nine to 10 at this place. And we're going to come out to that spot for a month, we're going to come out there four separate times. We're going to do, coordinated entry on the spot, we're gonna do case management it's gonna be pretty intensive we're gonna pick clients up and we're going to keep that place on the rotation. Now what's exciting about this is, we always kind of hear folks say that, you know, people are offering services or whatever, we're actually going to do that we're actually working with our community partners to have them come out, do like STD assessments on the spot right get them into detox same day, right. So, so I suppose, an ask for everybody would be if they're interested in supporting us in that work when we're doing our mobile clinics, and we would love to have you along we're doing the outreach we're being real careful we're using dyed fibers we're doing hand sanitizing all that jazz keeping our social distance, but it's a pretty exciting new way for us to be doing this. James Pogue 39:08 I just, obviously, share screen on the Pierce County resources. COMM website there is a link to mobile clinic here's our current. Well, this week, everything was cancelled for for smoke but this is our current locations, phone numbers for referrals here for anybody client or staff can make referrals there. And then at the bottom there's the information about our encampments and if you have a suggestion of an encampment you can submit it right here this is public, it goes right to us, it. Again, this is not for individual clients that's better to use the coalition or the outreach homeless outreach request email but this is for like encampments, if you want us to start doing our mobile clinic, this is a way to make the recommendation, sorry Nick, go ahead. No, no. Nate 39:53 We'll also have a will have a QR scan code that you'll be able to like check that'll show you what locations are up on up on the docket now. As part of this we have an encampment scouting team that will like receive these referrals that will go out. It is over the whole county Yes. So we have an incoming scouting team that'll go out, they'll check the site to make sure that it's going to be safe for us to set the van up, etc. If it's not, we'll still respond it'll just be a normal homeless outreach response, it won't be like the mobile clinic itself. And so like I said, these are going to be scheduled a little bit further out on account of us wanting to be there routinely over time we've had great success with this so far we've had a lot of service connection that we otherwise wouldn't have got, because as we all know it's building its building that sense of attachment that sense of like trust and rapport with our clients that's actually going to enable us to get through these barriers. Robb Huff 40:43 So I'm seeing questions rolling in but I'm doing this on my phone for the first time and I'm also a bit of a lot I think, so I can read them off to you, Nate. Yeah, please if you don't mind. Yeah so Sherry Jensen asked, Are you seeing any of the candidates you usually visit being shut down. Nate 41:01 I'm not the ones we've been at so far. That being said, I know that there's a lot of. There's a lot of attention being paid to the 509 Bridge in Camden, where we have been set up for the last month that had 57 tents at our first count. It's quite a few people split between that and cat man and nearby encampment. There was just a car accident down there and do the tag row so he's kind of on so I would wager that that one will be adjusted in some way. But, but no we haven't seen a lot of like camp clearing or anything like that since we've been out doing it. Robb Huff 41:34 Okay. And then Carolyn Reed, asked is the mobile unit connected to 211. And if a lay person calls two on one with this team go out if needed. Nate 41:45 And we're not connected to 211, but you know if if someone were to put a request in through our website for the first kind of Resources website, of course we'd consider it. You know, I mean like again like the point is to get the services to the folks that need it in the best way. so like we're not gonna turn down a referral from anybody if it's an encampment that's large that's in its in the county that needs the attention yeah no we're gonna show. That being said, it's not a guarantee that we're going to be able to respond right off these take time we're only doing three at a time and the sets last for a month. So if you're going to be placed in like the hopper for one and we will communicate that to you from the PST sorry that's the scouting team. The big referral email for this is going to be st at cm h, that'll also go out and the notes here, so James Pogue 42:32 great. I did just send an email I have, we have a QR scanner to allow you to access on your phone but I couldn't figure out how to put it in the chat so I just sent to the whole coalition that includes the information about the email that Nate just shared. Robb Huff 42:44 And then Maureen did you want to ask your question, or was that rhetorical. Maureen Howard 42:52 Oops. Nate, the from the work that you've done I think these are great. So I guess maybe there's really two questions. How many more teams do we need. That's one and the other one is, as you develop the relationships with the people in these encampments these targeted encampments how sort of stable. I don't mean individually mentally or anything like that I mean population wise, are the encampments and are. Have you been doing this long enough to determine if there is a population sufficient to be able to transition to a self managed permitted in camlin, Nate 43:33 um, in my personal opinion, this is not the opinion of CLR or anybody else. Um, yeah, I think that some of these are stable enough especially the 509 Bridge and Kevin area like if we were going to sort of endorse and and cam and I think that that area that people that are floating around in that kind of area would be the ones where we want to try it out with first. So so yeah I mean there's definitely stabled populations but populations also like. They also schism right like like the same sort of socio political stuff happens in, and the banned society that we see of homeless folks that we're gonna see anywhere else and so people are going to split and move and shift through the area. That being said, Yeah, absolutely. I think some of these encampments would be great candidates for that we have only been doing this for one month actively so we don't have enough time to really have like comprehensive data on anything like talk to me again. At the end of the year after we've been doing it, and I'll have better like a better analysis for you. That being said, like, how many more teams do we need. I mean, so it's hard right like I feel like we are adequately staffed at the moment for the work that we have however comma there are 11,000 homeless people right so like, we can't possibly serve that, um, you know i mean like if I could have four more sets of these going like, yeah, I mean I think there'd be capacity for it, but it's tough to because what we've learned over the last year of sort of refining our process that CLR is that like, there's so much that goes into getting someone up and running as a as a homeless outreach worker there's so much knowledge, there's so much like just sort of ways of being that you have folks that it really does take quite some time for someone to be proficient enough in my mind anyway to be up and going at this. So, so I don't know, I mean, Moore's always good. Anything else. Unknown Speaker 45:26 No thanks. Nate 45:31 Okay, well I guess that's us. If no one has any more questions. James Pogue 45:35 And then on the resource website that I keep tabbing the Pierce County resources. COMM if you don't have an encampment but you have a referral, you can still do that there as well there's the phone number that the client can call just for one to one, or like yesterday like Jan described we have a I don't see what you're looking for, contact us statement on their website that allows you or a client directly to email, and those happen within two hours typically during business days when we get a referral of somebody on the street, who needs help, we try to get out there right away so doesn't have to be an encampment but this is just for the mobile clinic associated with the encampments. And now I see Val who can take the reins for the rest of the outreach conversation. Valeri Knight 46:17 Um, yeah. So just a quick overview just so folks know kind of who's in the community and who is everybody's out, so every outreach team that we've had in Pierce County is out. That was started back in when cares for when COVID first started up. We had a huge meeting got everybody back out kind of address PBE issues, all that kind of stuff so coffee Oasis reached out her name is Julie She's amazing. And she actually took over a key peninsula as well because we had determined part of that meeting was to go through the entire county and figure out what areas were underserved and the keeping enslow was kind of like on everybody's radar but nobody really went over the bridge. And so, coffee Oasis took that and goes out into the key peninsula now. Which reminds me, I need to connect them we have a gentleman sleeping behind our grocery store. And then we have act outreachy which is going out for young adults, which is that 13 to 24 population. They also do have centralized diversion funds, which is amazing and we should probably have folks do a presentation on that James here at one of infused very soon Coalition's. And then we they also have rental assistance dollars through the street from the state 1.2 million so they kind of have a lot going on, but Devin and that team are just really remarkable and just still serving folks constantly and doing a lot of prevention work to keep people housed greater lakes is in collaboration with multicare now they're actually a part of multi care, and so that team is still going out serving a lot of Eastern Pierce County, working very closely with everything going on out in Puyallup, and all of the sites out there so they are still out in the community serving folks getting folks where they need to go, as well as making that connection to the temporary Care Center as needed, which is great. And then Tacoma rescue mission is still out for day and night so they are currently the only team that goes out in the night hours. So that's why I push really hard to connect to them to the census people because honestly it scared me a little bit, they were going out at midnight, trying to get them out with Tacoma rescue mission if at all possible. So, um, and they're still taking folks into the shelter they need to and offering that same supports. And so I think one of the things that we're gonna. Sorry. Someone breathed wrong and my dogs are losing their mind. And then we added a puppy I mean, this is what you get right. So, um, one of the things I think we're going to look at start doing is just really a monthly check in with all the outreach teams, if not more frequently. It's hard because a lot of times what happens without reach is when you invite them in to come to a meeting they all come into a location so you're taking them directly away from a lot of their work and a lot of their time out in the streets and so that's not something that we try to do frequently. I will tell you that Parks and Rec has identified locations and so how it works is when they come across an encampment or even a single person that just looks like they need assistance. I have an email chain that I just send out location, ask someone to take one of the amazing outreach teams then responds takes that location and then pops over to visit the person. And that's been going really well since March, just to kind of kind of streamline everything right like instead of me calling this and they say oh no that's great or like scenario and call them one email somebody owns it and then the work is completed so room for improvement. As always, but lots of amazing amazing outreach stuff going on throughout the county and the fish county can't even take credit for it right like we don't fund, like 98% or something crazy about reaching, we just collaborate really well with all of them because if it weren't for the outreach teams there would be zero, there would be no point time down. So, I work very direct with a lot of the outreach teams on a consistent basis. If you have specific questions, I am happy to connect you to those teams. If you want a list of the teams, feel free to email me I sent a marina list of names and emails. Earlier this week, so feel free to email me and I will connect you directly to folks. If you need like somebody overnight or whatever I'm happy to connect you. Yes, yes. Paula Anderson 50:22 Valerie had to James. Are your outreach teams, developing any kind of a GIS map of the location of a campsite because I've always thought that it seemed logical to me that the places where homeless folks choose to camp in groups would make the most sensible places to try to promote manage campgrounds rather than us, selecting the sites. Unknown Speaker 50:48 We have some information in hmm is that we can pull into a report and create a GIS using Tableau all things I don't know how to do but there are people on our team who do know how to do it, as well as heard just yesterday, released information on HUDs GIS training and tool walk toolkit. I think they're calling it, so I can send that out as well but those are. That's really as far as where we go. James did you want to add anything to that regarding your team. James Pogue 51:17 Yeah, we've been using some tools that do GIS we do field mapping, and we can do our surveys and services right in the field and we use our phone and it links to our internal map. We have been doing that for three years now so we have a pretty good kind of information about the flow. We use requests a lot of the time so as you know the populations are very transient they move around a lot, so some of the information is not super useful but we do get a trend line we can see when where some of the most frequent places where camps move around into don't think it would help us like into developing a managed care site, manage, 10 site, the camping site that's more about, in my mind, politically, where would somebody allow it less than where do the clients want it. It's not even possible to even say like hey this is where they want, like, they would choose People's Park, and I'm guessing that would not be well received. So, like, it's a little bit less about where they want it and a little bit more about where the cities and counties and municipalities would would allow it. Valeri Knight 52:24 Crease I saw your hand up Theresa Power-Drutis 52:28 a little bit about what James is saying that I think a lot of the choices people make or where people are not going to run them off not about this is the perfect place to be. So I do hope there's some thought about where, where they people can live together peacefully with the community and where the resources are not so far away that they are on a bus line are those kinds of questions are more important, I think, than where people land right now that's really about where they can land. James Pogue 52:57 Any other questions I think that I see rich I'll get to you once they make my little statement and I think the summarize most of the outreach teams are still operating as normal like we're still doing face to face outreaches we're still transporting clients when appropriate, we're still connecting folks with resources we're doing some more creative stuff too. We've had to rent hotel rooms so we could use their Wi Fi to connect a client with a resource that was only available via telehealth and some other things like that, but I'm just saying a generality most of the outreach teams are still operation normal ish rich with that. Unknown Speaker 53:35 Yes, I noticed when you'd mentioned, The ability for the county to connect. In other words here at the coalition we have the listserv, and it's been very helpful, very productive and in being able to immediately get some real time response from the community, on, on a particular need. If I am out in the county and seeing a developed, developing, you know, camping, location, and I'll be the first contact and then I'll usually go to either somebody on the CLR team or trm. But is there something like what we have here in the listserv because you just mentioned, you can give out all these teams information but is there some place that it's easier for me to just go to and say, by the way, I have this situation at this location and, and that sort of thing. Unknown Speaker 54:33 Nothing that I know of, I actually hear him from county employees whose job is to ensure figure out what the location is whether it's county property and then they contact me before they start like contact or if they start before they start cleaning up. And so that's my goal is to get a vote get them get folks connected to that receives as fast as possible before any other action has to be taken. I don't know of any thing I mean if you, if you go to the county website you could report it but I don't know that that's necessarily the stuff you want to take. I think how you're doing it or putting it on the listserv, or even just, I can send you a list of the email contacts you can email folks, or you can email me and I can share with the, with the teams like that's always an option so, but I don't know of any like really fast streamlined approach for anyone in the community to do the same exact kind of work without having to report it. And I don't know that that's what you want to do. Unknown Speaker 55:25 I'm usually going to team members in specific like someone you know search and rescue and it'll go out together, that sort of thing. And that makes it that immediate okay okay Valeri Knight 55:34 thanks man so you're doing exactly what I'm doing. James Pogue 55:38 And you can always use the listserv and if you can't remember any just any all the outreach team managers are in there and then our agency outreach full blast email if you want to hit all 12 of my outreach services homeless Outreach at CMH share I'll put it in the, the chat box but it's a blast email to about 20 people including all of our data people and myself, but it gets to all the outreaches. Any other questions about outreach, before we transition to the next topic. Maureen Howard 56:11 Just a quick one. How many of the teams, or I guess. As the city certainly is looking at the transformation of the law enforcement system that Tacoma police and I presume that the county and probably some of these local smaller jurisdictions are as well. I think if there are examples from the outreach teams have, you know, really good interactions with law enforcement, that that would be a useful contribution to these community conversations and committees and things that are being created and, and going forward, so that you're able to keep everything that's good. And the other one is some sort of, you know, is there like periodic outreach to the first responders or some of these fire departments or volunteer across the county. I mean, do they know how to, how to find you, you know, kind of thing. Okay, James Pogue 57:19 I think so we do a really good job at least that comp and greener lakes for sure to make sure both the local districts of police and fire, we have regular meetings with specifically please more than fire but we definitely have meetings regularly. And I'm gonna say yes, everybody. I can think of those how to get ahold of it. Okay. Maureen Howard 57:39 And then the last one, I was the self help groups that are active across Facebook with homeless people, some kind of a connection to them on a periodic basis so that they know that you're there, they know the resource there is a way to sort of help them direct their energy. And in the most useful ways. And I don't know if that just becomes like somebody's sort of task on a list. But James Pogue 58:12 I would say we do a lot of community outreach I participate in a lot of community meetings I've sat back in the day and people's like little kind of communities kitchen, like we're gonna go to someone's house I didn't know I was going to a house by show up and it's like six people who have made a coalition to address something in Bonney lake or whatever, it's a little bit harder now I'm getting kind of lost in a lot of next door and Facebook groups that that are not super productive but I'm always open to do presentations and these conversations right now via zoom if people aren't meeting in real life but I, I would say, in the normal times. 40% of my job, give or take is doing community outreach. So I'm. That's one of my favorite things to do. Maureen Howard 58:54 So we should just email you when we see these needs, basically. Sure. Unknown Speaker 59:01 Yeah, good. Unknown Speaker 59:02 Well, and that's a good role for the continuum of care right and i know James leads a lot of the work with stability and outreach and all of that stuff so I think that's a good place to start. And then we can connect and figure out like maybe we need to have an outreach Learning Collaborative or maybe we need to have just a more consistent meeting with the outreach teams. I know I work with Patti from homeless humans of Tacoma frequently. I work with her every single year for the point time count because she is an amazing resource. I can tell you, Devin from the actory that team is super engaged about all with all of the kind of grassroots organizations that are using young adults. Like mother of many and all of that for all in that situation so yes I think everybody kind of has their little niche in their area so like greater lakes I'm sure a super connected with folks who are doing kind of grassroots situations on Eastern Pierce County. So yes, can we do better, always right like that is going to always be what your Valerie says, we can always do better. But I think there's a lot of great work happening and I think there's a way to start to streamline it a little bit more and I think that's something James and I can chat about and figure out without adding it all to his plate, because I don't want anything else to get lost. As he said, and I saw a message from Colin you had an. You had a question about encampments I believe. Unknown Speaker 1:00:20 Yes, hello. Um, I was just curious, what is the current process so you kind of talked about for the city the county. Identifying camps outreach to the camps I'm just wondering what the process is like is there a threshold for when a camp is getting cleaned, or removed. And what does that kind of procedure look like like when does it, is it obviously it's so you guys focus on the county ones. Um, but I'm just curious what that process or that threshold is. Unknown Speaker 1:00:53 Yeah, so I'd have to contact parks and ask maybe ask them to just come out and chat with y'all so that they give you their exact to their exact kind of protocol. What I know happens on my end is they email me and I dispersed outreach, as fast as possible. If they are on county property it's deemed health and safety. They clean up actually happens a lot faster I know they follow all law and protocol and guarding regarding notifications and they connect with an outreach team, whether it be, I think a lot of the outreach they connect with greater lace and comp life, honestly, before they do the cleanups but I am happy to talk to Raquel she's my primary point of contact over there and see if she wants to just come give a basic protocol for how the county does it. I know we can't do it in any of the cities and so that would be a city by city conversation, but anything outside the cities everything in unincorporated Pierce County would be what she works with. James Pogue 1:01:47 I'm not going to speak for the city I just know they do lupus and as well I don't know their threshold, but I do know they. We work with a hot team and when they have a spot that has a certain amount of 311 complaints or whatever we get a notification from a City Bank hey can you guys go address this, but we, I don't know their threshold. And in terms I saw Jan real quick we serve, most outreach teams are county wide, so I don't know specifically regions and geographic but we go county wide rarely suppose county wide the VA is county wide act is county wide. And that's the that's whole county, east, west across the peninsula. Obviously some of the areas that have less population don't get addressed as as often unless we get referrals to go out and meet folks. Yeah. And Janet Runbeck 1:02:31 why is there an overlap of responders down because. How would Gregor lakes know that path is or is not responding to the same situation. James Pogue 1:02:41 We communicate and that when we have a referral that goes to all of us, somebody will email back I got this one or I know this one. Like in your links for the most like we're pretty Tacoma centric To be honest, and better likes does a little bit more of the East piers work and then we do unless we get a referral and they're busy. I think all of us equally neglect across the peninsula. But, but it's also on a case by case if we get a referral we have a good partnership with the fire department and the sheriff's and St. Anthony's out there so they give us a referral will come out. I do want to move us along if you have more questions I'll put my info and you already know how to get a hold of Bell I'm sure if not she can put her info as well in the chat box. And so I'm going to hand off to Maureen. Maureen Howard 1:03:25 Thank you. So those of you who have been participating know that several weeks ago, Jan run deck participated in meeting with a greater to come a Community Foundation, the Pierce County connected funders group. And they asked if the coalition could be a resource for them for identifying emergency emerging the emerging needs and serving as a unified voice on homelessness issues, and the coalition did respond. We put together a small working group, we drafted a letter that went out to everybody. It was revised and the final was signed off on by a group of folks who said they wanted to see it. And the Jan then was invited by the foundation to meet with him yesterday afternoon. And I'll let her talk about that for a couple of minutes. What we know right now is that they are inviting Jan and myself, the coalition designated us last week as the points of contact for the Coalition for this conversation to present it to different committees foundation committees, what we need today. And what we had agreed on last week is that the coalition would basically vote to accept the letter that we finalized, which, as I said in the email I sent out. We gave jamm the authority to give that to the coalition, or I'm sorry to the foundation with the understanding that the foundation knows the coalition has discussed the issue has reviewed drafts has members have signed off, but has not actually voted on this yet, so if you can't find your letter. Here it is basically what we're saying. In response to the foundation is that we want them to reserve at least a million dollars of their coming round, their September 30 round of money to address the COVID winter shelter crisis in our on a countywide basis, and we want 50,000 of that reserved for a human being, whose job it will be to take this as a single project and see it through. And we're not making any recommendations about who that person is or where that person's house or anything else, but just recognizing that we need a project manager for this. And the second is that at least 950,000 is invested in direct response to needs of people who are unsheltered people who are sheltered. And then our invitation for a continuing conversation. We are not suggesting that the 950,000 come to the coalition to disperse, what we are saying is, to the foundation is, as you make funding decisions, please put at least 950,000 of these funding decisions, and use them to address what we see as priorities. So, that's the letter. Jan you want to add anything from yesterday that's for the whole group. Janet Runbeck 1:06:57 Thank you. I was very pleased that the foundation didn't just fall on the floor and laugh when you present something best not even requested. And then the level of interest was. But not only was it a serious response. But the fan foundation is going to run it through two separate funding channels, they took it so seriously. The, the position of the project manager will not be embedded in the greater Tacoma Community Foundation, they do not do. They do not hire project managers. So the project manager needs to be independent, or with another existing agency. Um, the sense of urgency was understood by the foundation that because freezing nights and inclement weather is not going to add more shelter beds, because people are the population size itself is growing, because of COVID, and the eviction moratorium will be coming to an end. Right at the same time, the foundations, is understanding. All of this perfect storm scenario. So the letter, I think was extremely well written. Maureen did, yes, it marine did the main draft and it was very well edited, two pages was perfect because we could show it on the screen and all that. So, yes. That being said, I talked about this coalition being highly responsive highly inclusive, their issue of social justice being recognized was well addressed. So. Wish us luck. And by the way, I'm trusting the coalition now we can do all these things that we said we could. I believe we can. So thank you everybody. Maureen Howard 1:09:06 So I don't know if people have questions Unknown Speaker 1:09:10 or Maureen Howard 1:09:13 Robert James maybe you can keep an eye on the chat or the hands, anybody has any questions. Unknown Speaker 1:09:22 Oh, there Janet Runbeck 1:09:23 was a point that foundation wants to know if, if we were in contact with the county, and the City of Tacoma. And I said, they are regular attendees at this meeting, the Friday meeting, and that there is really close contact and lots of open discussion so that was a real plus, that we have strong relationships with our government agencies. Maureen Howard 1:09:49 And then following the vote. Then I will officially notify Linda Stewart, and Heather moss of the Action Coalition has taken and provide them with a formal copy just to formally close that loop Robb Huff 1:10:05 and Maureen there's a question from Collin. Are you trying to set up a working group for this. Maureen Howard 1:10:10 We set up a working group for the letter itself calling. Now if the coalition votes today to accept the letter than that certainly that's pretty consistent with how we move forward. I had not thought about moving forward. Janet Runbeck 1:10:36 And the Matt Driscoll article and today's paper, could not have come at a better time, Colin presented the aspect of homelessness, to Matt Driscoll and that article is is excellent. I think the timing is amazing for all of this. So, thank you thank you everybody. Maureen Howard 1:11:01 All of which Colin is to say that working groups are always open. So, let's vote if people are ready to vote. And then, assuming people want some sort of a working group on this indicate so in the chat are if when if you're not in the meeting if somebody is not in the meeting right right now. I'll continue to serve as the point of contact just email me and, and we'll, we'll keep the people already who worked on the letter and then add anybody who would like to be added that work. Okay. Robb Huff 1:11:41 And I'm ready to launch a poll whenever we want to go. Maureen Howard 1:11:44 Are we ready to vote on this, it's an up or down yes or no. On accepting the letter as presented. Unknown Speaker 1:11:52 Okay. All right, Maureen Howard 1:11:55 so should the coalition to end homelessness support the proposal to ask the greater Tacoma Community Foundation to fund the creation and implementation of a winter shelter plan. Yes or no. Robb Huff 1:12:10 And I'll give this a few seconds here but. Maureen Howard 1:12:12 And if you're on the phone I don't know what we do. Robb Huff 1:12:19 Yeah, we have, we have one person on the phone, so they want to just do a voice vote and can't, can't do the poll that's fine. And I think I will we've gone 30 seconds so I think I will wrap this up. Unknown Speaker 1:12:33 I'm on the phone and the poll came through just fine. Oh good you're dirty Robb Huff 1:12:40 and can other see. Maureen Howard 1:12:44 Among the fine. You're just fine as well. Hey folks, I've never been on a poll like this, it's 100% Yes, James Pogue 1:12:53 which means only one person voted. Maureen Howard 1:12:55 Oh, is that it. Yeah. James Pogue 1:12:56 Just kidding. Yeah. Maureen Howard 1:12:58 How many people did vote, can you tell. Robb Huff 1:13:00 So it's 35 people voted 46 people in the room so I think that's a pretty strong answer. Maureen Howard 1:13:08 All right folks Thanks everybody. James Pogue 1:13:11 So, just real quick I want to do a quick check with Rob, we're supposed to be like government updates right now according to our agenda done the outbreak, the breakout sessions, doesn't make sense for those that are gonna drift away that we make sure we get the updates first just so people can get those updates in case you know things are kind of moving very fast I want to make sure those that need the updates get them. Does that make sense. So Maureen if you still have something to continue please go I'm sorry to cut you off I just want to double check. I don't want to lose the officials who give updates if we do break out groups and we lose them. Maureen Howard 1:13:45 No Just following up on Colin's question about, will there be a working group. Yes. And please, either email me or put in the chat that you would like to be part of that. Working Group. Thank you. Paula Anderson 1:14:02 Again, the report for the NBC report to pastor Christopher of the ministerial Alliance, he very enthusiastically appreciated that and indicated that that they are interested in. They're doing a lot of work in homelessness now and we really should build a bridge with them. Robb Huff 1:14:27 And as a reminder, they are partners in the temporary shelter outreach that took place last year. Thanks. Oh, Maureen Howard 1:14:36 and we'll talk about that a little bit more under my report at the end Robb Huff 1:14:41 and Teresa had her hand up as well. Theresa Power-Drutis 1:14:44 Just a quick thing I want everybody to know that there were a lot of people who helped on that letter but there was one person who really spearheaded and put a lot of hours into it. And I want to ask if you'll give a thumbs up to Maureen. Maureen Howard 1:15:03 As always, it's my honor. Thank you. James Pogue 1:15:08 Well, thank you and I guess that a few seconds ago. We'll go ahead and do the updates right now from the government and other entities. I see Valerie so maybe Valerie can take the first update or the county can take the first is update Unknown Speaker 1:15:22 Mr. Rogers. Jeff Rogers 1:15:24 Yes. Good morning, this is Jeff Rogers. We just want to share this morning that our eviction rent assistance program that we're operating is moving along its wheels are in full speed ahead. We've been able to serve 1004 households through last week. And we've spent in specific targeted rental assistance, not the operating cost or any of those costs but dedicated rental assistance to landlords, just over $2 million. On average, that is just over $2,000, on average per household. As you know this program pays up to three months of rent or any variation there that's needed. So we're moving along. We're still working to come finalize our backlog, by this week, we had a goal of contacting everyone in the system who is applied by email, per second time, as well as by phone. So our team has been very busy making phone calls, and there's a big need out there, just some of the conversations we've been having with almost 2000 people that we've called over the last two weeks. There's just a lot of need. Yeah, I'll leave it at that. It's just sad to hear so many the different stories that people share about their current situation. Also, are still funding hygiene and sanitation services. And through that process we've been able to provide 2245 showers. That's a duplicated number. Because some people come more than once during a week, but we're counting each episode or each encounter as a, as a number, and we're still continuing to provide monies to emergency shelters to provide an additional 199 units of emergency shelter, that's outside their normal realm example of that is Bellarmine prep school is being used by the rescue mission to house people at night and CCS is using a hotel downtown to house people at a hotel that's just two examples. The other update we wanted to share besides our eviction rent assistance program is that many of you are aware that the emergency solutions grant coronavirus funding that the state has received has been allocated to jurisdictions. Pierce County has been slated to receive just over $4 million. It's actually $4,064,343. We haven't decided what we're doing with those dollars we're having conversations about how we plan to use those dollars, who we engage in that conversation. So say, stay tuned for more information on that those dollars will be combined with an allocation of emergency solution grant coronavirus funding that the county received directly from HUD. That's not passed through the state, and that dollar amount is just over $3.3 million to the to ESG coronavirus combined allocations of funding coming to Pierce County is just over $7.3 million. So we're working to identify how to utilize those extra dollars. The good news for these dollars, unlike all of the other cares act dollars that we've received, is that these dollars can be used through July of 2022. There's a two year cycle that these dollars can be used. We don't have to rush, and spend them by December, as all of the other cares X dollars we currently have must be spent by December. So we're really planning long term with these dollars to have an impact over mo almost what's going to be just an 18 month period for these dollars versus, get them spent the next four months by December, so that's the good news. There's a little bit of money here to help us sustain some of this work. After these current cares dollars are spent up by December. That is our update of what were among many other things but we wanted to share with you that we're working on at Pierce County, James Pogue 1:19:38 quick questions. Maureen Howard 1:19:41 Yes, this is, thanks a lot for that report on the E rap and the county's own Rental Assistance Program. Are there. What you know sort of significant significant challenges at any point I get the part about the difficulty in reaching everybody who has applied, but just in terms of all of the organization's the contractors ability to submit their reimbursements appropriately in a timely manner the county's ability to turn those around do their organizations have adequate cash flow that kind of thing. There's a lot of those emerge as issues that are slowing, this Unknown Speaker 1:20:28 is we with the state, irap, just, you know, 10 million that we received and we round numbers it's more than 10 million but we just use flat numbers kinda sorta. We brought on some new providers, those projects just got started running just a couple weeks ago, these dollars haven't been with us for long, and we were quite successful in my opinion of getting these dollars out the door, identifying the nonprofits to spend these dollars. Some are challenged, we've changed our policy, we're allowing providers to Bill Us Weekly if they need to. or bi weekly if they need to. Historically we've invoiced monthly, but we're allowing them to build weekly at their option, some have taken us up on that offer or bi weekly and some have chosen the BI weekly offer. So, yes, we're open to that, I'll share with you that I gave kudos to people and we had a quick team meeting this morning that we do every morning, and I gave some kudos to the staff that review invoices and do that invoicing work because they've been working really, really hard to keep our invoice inbox, empty and payments paid. So, we're keeping up with invoicing we're meeting our timeliness requirement. And we're getting our piece of the money out the door. As long as providers, Bill us on time so we're flexible, doing things more quickly and more timely or more, more times you could ask us four times a month for money versus just once in the past. With regard to providers and challenges with cash flow. We have reached out and are trying to see if some of these providers potentially might be able to receive a bridge loan from an organization to help them that conversation is ongoing. We've also had some conversations about maybe having one agency who has large cash flow, be the check writer of checks to landlords, for all nonprofit so there's different options we're kind of discussing we haven't finalized. But as of now, all of our providers are working there programs and and and serving people. So we're open to any option, exploring whatever needs to be done to get these dollars into the hands of landlords and have less stress on tenants who are renting here in Pierce County. So if any suggestions were willing to hear them. Maureen Howard 1:22:52 Again, thanks. James Pogue 1:22:54 You're welcome. Any last questions, then I will look to see if city of Tacoma representative is on the call. No Name pops out at me so the health department. I see my new is here. You're muted. Oh perfect I was muted. Manu Rodriguez 1:23:20 Hi everyone, good to see folks. Yes, a few a few updates just in regards to immunization of flu season and immunizations, moving forward with planning I've been in contact with the shelter providers and staff who completed a survey request form that I developed and just gathering some information from them that's been really helpful with planning so thanks to everyone for your cooperation. Right now it's looking like that adult flu vaccine from the state that. Yeah, will be available around October, November, so that's what we're kind of using to guide as far as the timeline at the shelters. And right now I think we're trying to see if we can include any kind of behavioral mental health wraparound services. Some care packages include hand sanitizer and masks at those clinics as well. Thanks again for just all the wonderful shelter providers who have been so responsive. With that planning, you know, things kind of change on the daily nowadays with this and so just appreciate everyone's patience, but we are moving along and it's exciting. I'm hoping to have those scheduled by the 30th, we aren't able to co locate with COVID for just logistical reasons and some safety reasons, but for some of those larger shelters. You know they're on a rotation now for mobile testing with for COVID through December, which is wonderful, some of the smaller shelters I've been, you know, just passing along information and hoping that they can also get on that rotation through December as well. So, contact me if you had any issues with getting on the calendar for mobile testing for covid. But regardless, you know, let's work together to get the flu immunization clinic at your shelter. And I'm still working on a plan for reaching unsheltered populations and folks and so I'd love to get some feedback from, I was listening early on to the presentation on outreach with some other mobile clinics and so I'm open to meeting with folks to discuss how best to also reach unsheltered folks. You know, maybe this is thinking to forward but just kind of seeing the response from the wildfires and thinking of like, what the city might stand up in terms of, you know, with inclement weather and temperatures dropping, but also trying to coordinate around, you know whatever this whatever sort of space is set up for folks who are unsheltered when those temperatures do drop, and then trying to my, my goal and vision is to, you know, set up a immunization clinic at that facility as well so obviously that's trying to, that's a hypothetical right now but at least that's that's what I'd like to do so, you know, we don't forget about unsheltered folks as well who are going to be, you know, at an increased risk. So that's it for uh for immunizations penning the health department right now. I'll keep folks posted, I'm still trying to gather more information and have some meetings, just to yeah just ensure that we're going about this. And in the right way and in a way that includes shelter providers in the decision making as much as possible. So that's it for me. James Pogue 1:26:58 Awesome, thanks if there's any questions feel free to jump in. I didn't see anybody I recognized from the city of Tacoma and no one tried to interrupt me when I was moving on from them. The agenda on the item but at least the one update being that they have pulled together the east side community center as we already talked about earlier today that was a city of Tacoma effort so I want to thank them for both pulling us together and providing funding and staffing and support around those efforts, I think. Next, I don't have my agenda up, but I do believe we're going on to the small groups kind of flip flopping. Robb Huff 1:27:32 So do we want to do that or do we want to move into safe parking and advocacy and leaves the small groups at the end Maureen Howard 1:27:39 is Ivan on. James Pogue 1:27:41 Oh, I didn't see Ivan, sorry I looked around and see Ivan, or anyone from emergency management, sorry about that I just made that mental note to myself but if someone is from emergency management and wants to jump in and I have Garrett saying Ivan's off today so we'll, we'll go safe parking then Rob How about we do that one. Robb Huff 1:27:57 Sounds great. So you're up calling and Chan. Colin DeForest 1:28:03 Alright Hello everyone. So, um, it's been a busy week with the safe parking network program I think that we had a really good meeting yesterday with our smaller kind of advisory group. And a lot of what we talked about in that meeting was some of what came out of Tuesday's city of Tacoma study session where there was conversation about the safe parking network some questions were asked, along with this report that I did for MDC, and that MDC did for the city of Tacoma. Three months back that has now kind of come out. So, there was some really good conversation. I would say that there's also really good conversations going on in East Pierce County and in the pubic area around the safe parking network. We have really the group one I just want to applaud everybody who has been helping out there's been a lot of great effort from our safe parking network group. We have we're really getting close on finalizing all of our documents which is definitely a huge piece of this, as we go out and talk to potential partners in the community. It'll be really nice to have some documents in place so that they can see exactly what this program would look like. And if it's something that they would be interested in one of the, the documents that we, we also did was an FAQ so free frequently asked questions. Oh, thank you, Rob. And I think this will be huge because I know in just the application process in working with the greater Tacoma Community Foundation. This is something until we answered the questions that they had, and kind of a one on one, this is something they weren't really feeling too much. And then when we had the opportunity to answer some of the questions, common things like our RV is going to be allowed at the site, no RVs are not going to be allowed at the site. Who are you planning to serve, what is success look like you know, until we had the opportunity to answer some of those questions I don't think this program probably would have gotten funded. So the hope with this is as we look as I said for some of those community partners, we're really, really kind of focusing on faith based organizations right now, one because they commonly have large parking lots too because there seems to be an interest in this in in faith based organizations in this project, and three. It also is probably one of the most streamlined processes for working with the city and the counties. When it's a faith based organization as a partner. Um, so I have shared five four or five documents with Rob. Rob is going to send those out to the listserv, and please please please share those with anyone. It doesn't have to be a faith based organization, but please share them pass them along to anyone that you think may be interested in this, I am more than willing and I will rope, Janet in and Teresa and others to, we want to talk to people. So, whatever we can share however we can support any potential partner we want to Unknown Speaker 1:31:19 just to just be completely honest after the city. The study session one the city made it very clear in the study session that they were by no means trying to block this project that they were supportive of this project not fun. They're not funding the project at this time, but really they put the ball in our courts and said hey, we're just waiting, you know, no one's brought any pro projects forward yet which is totally true. But they made it really clear that as soon as someone does come forward with something. They're, they're ready to talk, and they're ready to go through the application process. I have a point of contact as I mentioned before, so it's Erica is wheda who's usually on this call. She's not today so I will be so I'm, I am really excited to find a site in the city of Tacoma, along with Pierce County, but Tacoma is, I mean there's, there's a lot of fire and a lot of momentum around this. Mayor woodards made it extremely clear that she once, totally supports this and to moving forward outside of the, the funding we have right now she would really like to see an RFP, or some sort of funding from the city for the safe parking network. So, I mean, it's a great opportunity. I think things are really falling in line for this, but you know we just really need to find those partners I know they're out there. I know there's probably a lot of fear around well we, we have the parking lot, but we can't we don't have the ability to do this. And I think that's where the larger group and on some level, even the coalition, you know, outreach workers. We have a lot of a lot of that structure that we can wrap around them and to be really clear we also have funding. So we're willing to fund. We have funding in place, we have a funding committee that will look at any potential. Ask by these partners. And, and we have a group of very motivated individuals that are ready to assist with any safe parking network Park, partner, as soon as they step forward so Teresa Janet anybody else from the group that may Richard, that may have something to say. Please feel free. And if anybody has any questions. All right, my, my phone number in my email over here but in the chat box but it'll also be on the documents that Rob will send out, so please please please reach out to us we're really excited to find something. And as I said, this is a this is a full Pierce County project. I also have a contact john Barbie is my go to guy for the county. There's count there's great county conversations going on Roxanne miles just emailed me back from Pierce County Parks, about the potential of using places like the meridian habitat Park which is being used right now off of 140 fourth for the Clean Air stuff. And what what we know Janet, and I receive emails from multiple people that are staying at that park living out of their vehicles and also families that are staying at one specific family staying at Blue junior high, which is about two blocks away from that park living out of their vehicle so they're out there we know this and we're excited to give these individuals an opportunity and a safe place to be. So we're really calling on the coalition to to really put your feelers out there and let's see if we can get this thing going. Are there any questions or anybody else as I said that has anything to say, Paula Anderson 1:35:01 oh, you're doing great work you guys all of you guys. Thank you very much. I'm curious. Is there a sort of a, an optimal size, in terms of number of cars. I, for instance, attended a small church where there was not a very big parking lot, but a reasonable size, what would be the minimum number of cars that you would want to try to put on one side parking side. Unknown Speaker 1:35:31 I mean, I would say, um, Unknown Speaker 1:35:35 five to five. You know, I mean honestly we're so flexible with this and I think we have the ability to try small sights I really just from research done I really think that anything over 2020 cars would be a lot that's that's getting pretty heavy. So I think in my mind. Anything under five is, I mean, we're, we're down to talk so if somebody has three spots, well let's talk about it and see you know let's explore options, but I think five, in my mind, and then I would also lean on on the group on that, but I really think the number that that I really like is that around 10 five to 10 because you figure it's probably not always going to be full. Maybe it will. But yeah, we're, we're really open to whatever and as I've said before, the wonderful thing about having a partner, like greater Tacoma Community Foundation is, there's a lot of they're giving us a lot of flexibility and they're really looking at this as a pilot project, and we're, we're really gonna focus on data tracking because this data in us being able to show what success looks like and how many people are really out there is what's going to lead to us having more sites in the future and potentially funding from cities and counties also so Unknown Speaker 1:36:54 you don't have to. Unknown Speaker 1:36:57 After having visited sites here in state and out of state. I would say that one thing that I've, I've asked is, you know, from your experiences, what is it that you'd want to share with others who are starting a program, and the consistent answer is, don't start big, make sure you begin to get a feel for really what the site can do by starting with very, you know they were saying about five maximum in that in that first, you know month or two and then kind of get a feel for that and move forward in advancing the numbers, but anyway just kind of throwing that out there for consideration. Maureen Howard 1:37:40 Thinking back to Nate's, a first of all, thanks for the work it's just wonderful. But thinking back to Nate's description of the mobile teams could that model be adapted to provide services to people in the safe parking lots. Not a yes or no but just something to put on the table. And then, I think we talked about this once before too as like. Clearly this is what the Red Cross just did with the graham Ridge fire. And so, as they're ready to talk about their experience, maybe there's something helpful there in terms of just building more community support that this is an acceptable model. Unknown Speaker 1:38:34 And I would say, and I know James is on here, and I, I, James and I have not sat down and have some good conversation on this but I know I'm just speaking with Mike Yoder Mike was initially very supportive of this and very supportive of the idea of figuring out how to get outreach workers that could do coordinated entry potentially at these sites and really leaning on our existing community. And the way I look at these sites, is they're very similar to outreach to an encampment, you know, ideally a managing cabinet. So I think it's a great opportunity and I would I'm really hoping that we will be able to wrap around a lot of the existing services that we have in our community to these sites, and they're gonna be, I mean they're gonna be bare bones, but it's, it's going to the ultimate goal to be really really clear and I think this is a was a big concern for the county as I've said before, and it's a concern for all the cities is our goal is not to have people living in their vehicles throughout the county. It's to give people in their vehicles a safe place to stay, ideally stabilized engage those individuals and get them moved into some sort of housing as quickly as we possibly can and that's going to look very different for every, every household but that's, I mean that's the goal. James Pogue 1:39:49 I'll just say in general, just to confirm, Paul and I were together for a long time but whenever we get permission to have a site whatever that'd be the jungle People's Park mitigation whatever we send our full forces there, because we have people we have a captive audience we know they're going to be there for several days or weeks, why we love outreach we meet a person today and we start hours of paperwork and we never see him again sometimes so it would be like it's super efficient for us to be at these places where people can be even if it's only time limited, we can do a lot in a couple of weeks if we have the opportunity to see him every day. So well you already know we'll be there, I'm sure. Unknown Speaker 1:40:27 Theresa. Theresa Power-Drutis 1:40:30 I just want to say there's a little different focus from for some of us who are working with safe parking in that this state of emergency has not housed the people that were on housed before it started, and we don't, some of us don't believe that. Giving pointing people in the direction of resources that don't exist is going to end and everyone getting houses. So, from my part. I'm looking at safe parking lots and safe encampments as a possible very long term solution unless something really changes about the dispersal of income among us so we're not at cross purposes, but we have some different expectations of the outcome. Unknown Speaker 1:41:16 And I appreciate that. I think that's what's great about this group is that there's. We've definitely created a space where we can kind of, we can, because I think that's totally true. And I think the earlier conversations about 509, you know, these are all things that we know what needs to be done, and we've done them before and we can do them again there needs to be a managed safe site in that area, you know, we've done it before, we've had that was the first mitigation site was a stone's throw from there. So, and that worked well, you know, and that was very bare bones James outreach teams were involved in that and we did it. Was it ideal no it was not, but I totally agree. And I would say, with the safe parking. What I see this transitioning to is, you know, we haven't had a conversation with Sharon Lee in a few weeks. But she was very interested in this project because it may so success may look like that person, maybe getting into a tiny house, you know the Tim sites, that was a huge partnership that we had when I was down in Olympia Olympia john Brown was running those sites down in Olympia, when I was there and he's running them in Tacoma right now. And we were very successful moving people in their vehicles into the tiny houses, and oftentimes those people would be. Many of our quick success stories or success stories just in general at the site so so I agree, success is going to look a whole heck of a lot of different ways. I just want to make it clear like this site is not where we will not allow this site to look like, you know, gee, it's not going to look like that it's not going to look like urness Brazil, we're gonna we're gonna wrap a lot of great services around this site and there's going to be it. We're gonna be a good neighbor, you know i mean that's the ultimate goal and I think that's what we've learned from programs like freezing nights. Unknown Speaker 1:43:05 And, and others so, yeah. James Pogue 1:43:13 Awesome. Thank you. Now, Rob, do we want to do the advocacy updates or small groups or where are we Robb Huff 1:43:18 at. Why don't we do the advocacy updates flow into that and then hang out for the conversation about the sustainability afterward. Maureen Howard 1:43:29 Okay, so I sent out sort of my equivalent to a client list. The issues and, and the policies and advocacy, that either I track or I think we should be engaged in or we are engaged in, or we could be. And so if you take a look at that. You can tell me what's wrong what's missing, that sort of thing. Why is it important it's important because it sets the context for the direct human work. All the providers do so, and gives us a better gives you a better opportunity to shape the policies that affect your ability to do the work the way you want to do it. And right now as we all know, so many of our policies around homelessness are being set by funders. And so, I you know all the opportunities we have to help them adjust those policies so that they work for the people that we're trying to house. That being said, looking ahead to the legislative session for the state of Washington 2021, it will be virtual. And we don't know what the rules are going to be, it is very possible that there will be a highly restricted number of bills that are allowed to be brought forward, this is a big deal because this means that they decisions on what housing bills, what bills affecting homelessness. What bills, affecting any of the related behavioral health, the medic renewal of the Medicaid waiver all those kinds of things. They're all going to be competing for space in that list of bills that will be considered by the legislature. So, we just have to keep an eye out on that, and it's going to mean a very nimble and attentive response on the part of our state advocacy organizations, so that's really an important piece. Probably the other piece along with that is, even though this, we go into this legislative session and this biennial budget within 8.8 I think it is. billion, as an ABC dollar deficit, on the revenue side. It doesn't mean we can't get policy that don't have budget implications. And it doesn't mean that we can't get money on the capital budget side because that's just a different pot of money. So it's very possible that we can get more money into the Housing Trust Fund, and we can get that targeted in ways that are helpful to us. And so it's just, if there is anybody in your organization, who has a particular interest and state level advocacy. Make sure that person is signed up and your organization is part of the Washington. Low Income Housing Alliance. I'll keep passing on alerts and updates. But, you know, the rule one about advocacy show up. And so here's a, here's an easy way to show up. So, when speaking of showing up housing Washington is free. On October, 6, and the early registration period has passed for the annual conference to end homelessness, but it's still very affordable. So, and those those links are at the top of my list. And they'll probably I can see Rob typing, they'll probably come in the chat. W. El, and you can get to both of those. It's interesting and housing Washington's. One day, free conference this year, that there are three separate sessions that speak to homelessness. So I think that this is, you know, an important opportunity for people and maybe for people who otherwise wouldn't even look at that possibility you might have board members, you might have staff that can't take a day off. So you don't want to pay a whole registration for the conference and homelessness, but housing Washington is free, and one of those sessions might be of interest, Adrian Buchanan is going to present the new collaborative model the free 253 with fair housing center. The Center for dialogue and Oh dear God I always get the rest of the name wrong. And to come up pro bono, and there's a whole session at the end, about, oh James you got to help me. The. I want to say functional community support, that's not the right name foundational James Pogue 1:48:48 yeah foundational community support for dialogue and resolution Maureen Howard 1:48:54 on the earlier one yes thank you. Senate for dialogue and resolution there's another session at the end of the day, and the foundational community support. And so there are programs, you know sessions, I think might be of interest that maybe people could not have participated in before if it weren't free so. So that leads me to nobody knows what's happening at the federal level unless that happened in the last hour. And, I mean, nobody really knows, so there either will be action by the Senate and the Senate in the house will come to some agreement with the white house so they will not and housing will or will not be a part of that agreement. So, you know, hold your breath, whatever. Um, with respect to a report that will come out next week. Michelle Thomas the policy director for the low income housing alliance will provide us in writing with what she's been giving orally which is that the Census Bureau's put out the pulse report again where they basically are have been asking surveying people across the country on their abilities to survive right now. You know, can they pay their rent, can they. What's their, you know, probability of being able to continue in their housing that sort of thing. So Michelle is taking that at the Washington State level. It's about twice as bad as it was the last time that the Census Bureau put the pulse report out and everything that Jeff Rogers said earlier about how much need there is on the rental assistance side, how much fear there is, is echoed by every community that's reporting on the state's irap rental assistance program around the state. And it's just people breaking into tears when they find out that their rent is being paid. So, and I would presume that lots of case managers and outreach workers and housing navigators and everybody else who's engaged in this probably need a whole lot of support for yourselves just to get through the next phone call. So the last thing is that those of you who saw your email this morning that thanks to Allie reached out to pastor. Chris or Thank you. I don't know I can't get his name in the right order but I can't. So thank you, I'm in response to Collins report on unsheltered people. And so, Pastor, Christopher responded saying the survey is great information that is needed in the eradication of homelessness. I hope and pray that organizations that work with homelessness can have a virtual meeting to brainstorm on the information provided from the survey and that we approached the city as a group of organizations, requesting that they follow the recommendations based on the survey. And it's so this is great and then I'll follow that with an invitation to the coalition to develop a relationship with the to come a ministerial Alliance, which is basically the black ministers across the community. My sixth which I also think is great My suggestion is that we start, how we're going to do this in the follow up meeting in terms of planning the next meetings for the coalition. And my guess is that there'll be some sort of a working group a small group to try and frame it and go on from there. If you already know you want to be in a working group. Put that in the chat or email me, but that's kind of where I'm thinking we are with it right now, is that we, you know, formally thank Reverend Christopher, that this morning in our after meeting we talked about how do we want to figure out an Ole homeless organization, zoom meeting. Who should convene it, that sort of thing. I'm kind of flying by the seat of my pants here folks so feel free to chip. Come on. But, yeah, questions or anything, thoughts, my way off track. Paula Anderson 1:53:24 No you're not way off track, I have, I'm not sure that I want to support the notion of starting to work right now I communication with the ministerial Alliance. This word dignity comes up a lot and I think maybe the best thing to do is just asked if we can talk with them about how we might collaborate and then we can put together and they can put together, whatever seems to make sense for collaboration. I think we just need to explore as, as, essentially as two equal groups, rather than seeming like we're in control and organizing it all. Again, college you did great work. Maureen Howard 1:54:11 What else have you got hiding calling. Unknown Speaker 1:54:14 I know, right, um, you know, I think I really kind of as I was talking about safe parking earlier. What I don't want to have happen is that this once again just gets buried and kind of we move on from it. So I do think that while there is light shining on this, we should really should try to take advantage of the moment. And I think any type of, like, whether it's a letter of support or anything like that, I, I, I guess the question is where do we go next from here, and that's where, as a community, it seems like there should be some sort of a conversation I agree with. I mean, no one wants to have 15 more workgroups but I do think that there's, there's a lot of information some of this stuff is already already happening like the safe parking was definitely one of the things I was called out there, but I think probably just as pressing as that as the conversation around manage outdoor sites and I think that was obviously a key piece of the the data that we came up with just the need for that so. And I think there's been conversation around it with this group and I don't know if that's just something where we asked the city and count cities and counties for an opportunity to have conversation with them about this of what that potentially could look like. And I think it really ties in also greatly with the ads from the greater Tacoma Community Foundation. So there's a lot of pieces I guess it's just how do those, how do we make sure they're all in the same room together, and that the conversation is kind of in the same direction. I'm willing to be involved with anything as far as any comments, questions, follow ups to any of the stuff in the report. So, I would love to be involved in any conversations that are had with whoever about this stuff. Paula Anderson 1:56:11 I don't want to stifle any word group that people want to put together I'm just reading the first step and approach in ministerial alliances that sort of informal exploration together. Robb Huff 1:56:25 Yeah, thinking back to, a year ago and outreach project was done around temporary shelter and NBC and associated ministries and the ministerial Alliance we're all partners on that. Going to the ministerial Alliance and, and having that back and forth conversation directly with them as the key I would say just from. Maureen Howard 1:56:50 So Reverend Christopher has asked, very specifically for a zoom meeting of all homeless related organizations to discuss the recommendations in the report and ways in which to Al Ratcliffe 1:57:10 approach. Maureen Howard 1:57:12 Just want to look at it again to brainstorm on the information provided from the survey he means the report, and the survey is within the report and that we approach the city as a group of organizations, requesting they follow the recommendations based on the survey so yes an explicit ask owl has an explicit ask that is to develop a relationship between the coalition itself and the TMA. James Pogue 1:57:43 Well, I would suggest that we talked about this at the end of the meeting with the smaller group as we start to drift I did see Erica, and now Matthew Jorgensen from the city of Tacoma so I wanted to see if they might have updates before they bail out Sorry to interrupt Marina. But I just saw them in the J city updates that I wasn't aware of I want to be sensitive that there might be stuff we need to know like now with the weather shelters and things like that. So I don't know Matt, or Erica if either one of you are here to give an update or have some awesome breaking news. I want to see if you're available, I can't see you so I don't know if you're on different call or whatever you Erica Azcueta 1:58:18 can't see me cuz I'm driving I'm driving my son back to daycare after we did preschool so you might hear him in the background. Yeah, so I don't have any I'm sorry, I apologize. set me up, I don't have any huge big announcements, but we are still operating the clean air space. Until next week we're monitoring what the weather looks like it looks like the changes updates every two hours so we're working very closely with rnc management to see what it's gonna look like, but we don't want to do is take it down prematurely, and then the smoke that we're anticipating from the east side of the mountains comes and we have to scramble again so we are monitoring it. We'll let everyone know you know when we have some, some solid determined days that right now, we can say we work are going to at least operate into next week so that's what I have for now for that. James Pogue 1:59:16 Awesome. Thanks. Unknown Speaker 1:59:19 Well, and I do want to say sorry I'm cutting you off I tried going back and forth because I'm driving right now. Um, I want to express the gratitude on behalf of the City for all of the partners who stepped up and joined us to get this thing going. Everyone that's been out there. You guys are amazing. I mean I just, I can't even begin to say how grateful we are and how incredible you are for putting out the work and just whenever we pick up the phone and say hey we're doing this thing you guys really, really step up and you show up. And we appreciate you so much so thank you so much for everything. James Pogue 2:00:03 Well, awesome. Thanks, I'll let my team know for sure and then again Vallejo and recovery cafe are also supporting the efforts of this specific day shelter. So we did in terms of our agenda that we did leave out and having covered our small group work which is going to talk about some of the stuff about the feasibility of the future of the coalition. I feel like the, the energy might be low oxygen in my office or something. I'm feeling a little bit like this is a better conversation maybe to have after the air clears next week both literally and figuratively. And then we can maybe add that's next week's agenda, Rob, if there's no conflicts. Robb Huff 2:00:44 Yeah, my thought would be that we, unless something really drastic pops up in the conversation after this meeting that we make that the featured conversation next week. James Pogue 2:00:55 Sounds perfect. So then our normal new our new normal routine for these meetings is to offer somebody, the chance to have like a good of the order or an announcement that wasn't on the agenda but they absolutely want to make sure people are aware of, or anything else because we're gonna stay online afterwards, but if anybody hasn't got the order, um, I'm opening it up, rosemary. Rosemary Powers 2:01:18 So I was asked last week to check back with the census people about any effects of the decision of the court. And I heard from the census folks that they really don't have anything to add to that. Other than that they will be counting everyone because the court's decision was about the need to count everyone, even if they're not documented so they intend to work with people who are living homeless to counter everybody they can possibly count and status in terms of citizenship will not be affected by their accounting. They don't have any anything to say about the extended timeline. They've tried to get everything done so they could get it done within the time they thought they had to so she wasn't she didn't have any update for me about that. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:02:16 You're muted James so I don't know if you're pointing at me or not. James Pogue 2:02:20 I wasn't pointing at anyone else let the self management time. So, please. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:02:25 So I just got, I want to say that I, I love the idea of having a meeting with the manager. The other group that Robb Huff 2:02:35 ministerial Alliance Theresa Power-Drutis 2:02:36 ministerial Alliance, but I really hope we can have it here. A lot of us are kind of zoom exhausted. So that seems like it really fits into the mission of this group, and it would include so many more people than if we tried to find another time. So I'm, I'm hoping that we can find a way to even, I agree with Al it's important that it not feel like we're taking over the initiative, but I think we can offer a meeting space for them to talk about what they want to talk about with most of the people they want to talk about it with mine. Robb Huff 2:03:19 Look like Paula Anderson had a brief announcement she wanted to make. Unknown Speaker 2:03:27 Okay, am I unmuted. You are all right thank you everybody. Um, most of you know about the new mobile resources response team that we've put together we received funding from the county to do that. I'm so excited we're getting ready to put this train on the road. One of the things I want to make really clear is that we want to partner with all of the outreach workers, I know I put that in the chat earlier. We've gotten locations from greater lakes where we're going to start looking for partner churches, this does two things. It keeps the general public and community from knowing exactly where the encampments are, and then it also supports and augments offering services like showers, laundry, we're going to have food on board to hand out, there'll be coats backpacks sleeping bags tents whatever we can put our hands on. We will at some point has on the chat team which from CMR has a nurse practitioner he's very excited about coming out and doing that so if you have areas where you know you're going to a larger group, or you can send me the cross streets of that, I'm happy to take that and then I can try to find a church partner location to put that set that up in. And the other thing I'd like everyone to remember to and call in and I have talked about this too as far as the safe parking, being able to bring those services to people that are in safe parking. The shower trailer and the laundry trailer are separate and can be deployed separately, you don't have to have the whole big kit and caboodle if you have five cars in a safe parking lot and want to offer showers to people once a week or something of that nature. so keep that in line. The last thing that I really wanted to announce is that we are having a ribbon cutting for this mobile resources response team. It is next Friday at noon, and I'm hoping people can swing by on their lunch break. We'll have people that invested into it, the businesses the press is supposed to be there, other service providers all of that but I will send out the invitation to everyone. It's going to be COVID. Proper so we want everybody to wear masks, all of that type of thing. We are going to have prizes for the three most unusual masks, so get creative if you're going to come out, send somebody from your team. It's going to be a great way to see exactly what kind of services, we're going to have so I'll make sure that that invite goes out to the group today. James Pogue 2:06:34 Well officially our agenda has come to an end. Something many of us are gonna stay on afterwards, to talk about some of the things we were talking about and what to do for our agenda next week, you're welcome to stay and listen to that or participate if you have more for the good the order we still have 33 people on the call so 33 people will hear your message but otherwise. Stay safe out there. Go Hawks and have a good weekend. Robb Huff 2:07:06 And I'm gonna take like a five minute break so James Pogue 2:07:08 I'll just say my normal drill I'm gonna run and grab a little protein bar this time, but I had to use a bathroom and I'll be back. Unknown Speaker 2:09:09 All right. Maureen Howard 2:09:12 Yes. Unknown Speaker 2:09:15 Last time, last week. Unknown Speaker 2:09:19 We spoke and you had Judy Flanigan 2:09:23 stated something along the lines that we needed some more people of color in this committee meeting. Maureen Howard 2:09:29 Yes. Unknown Speaker 2:09:30 And I spoke to a group of women, black women who are not affiliated with any agency. However, they are community members, and they are very interested. Is that an option. Maureen Howard 2:09:49 Other folks can weigh in what I would say is that, so this is for people who are part of the coalition, so that we keep planning our weekly meetings. Everybody is welcome to the coalition, you don't have to be part of an organization to do that. Okay, so I would encourage these women to participate in the coalition and if, then, from that place. They want to be part of this group. Absolutely. Unknown Speaker 2:10:18 Okay, perfect. Perfect. That's, that was Maureen Howard 2:10:21 sound to other people, somebody else weigh in. Unknown Speaker 2:10:26 And that seems that sounds exactly right it's this is rosemary, I think, inviting people to participate in the general conversation to see if this is the sort of place they want to put some energy is a good place to start. And everybody is welcome that's what, when we talk next week about sustainable mobility, one of the loved about this group is that, really, if you tell someone This is a group that if you care about getting people house just show up that you're welcome. So, as we know from the studies have been done in our communities, people of color have been affected by these kinds of situations in very dramatic ways and anybody who is trying to be present to this should be paying attention to all the voices that are available to to weigh in about what should be done. So we need more creative voices everywhere in this. I really love that this is a good place you can come and listen if you don't want to talk for a while or you can come in, put your order in right away. It's always good. as always thought when I've joined a new group for myself just to sort of pay attention to what's going on for a while and not try to reinvent the wheel initially but so that's always a good practice but I am, I would be delighted to have more people join us, who care about these things. Thank you. Maureen Howard 2:11:44 So thanks, Judy for doing that. Oh you're cutting it out Unknown Speaker 2:11:56 a little more comfortable when you Unknown Speaker 2:12:01 may have Unknown Speaker 2:12:05 experienced what you're going through. And that looks like you. And so, that. Yeah. Maureen Howard 2:12:14 So hopefully, at least some of them will be available, you know to join in on a Friday morning call or at least get on the listserv. Unknown Speaker 2:12:22 Yes. That will be my to them, Unknown Speaker 2:12:28 and Judy Judy I wanted to ask you, cuz I noticed you were on the list from being here the last time and one of your emails didn't go through and I didn't know if you've gotten that straightened out but if you have that's great I just wanted to know, once you recognize that I recognize that you had. We didn't have your right contact information. Initially, I Unknown Speaker 2:12:49 didn't see, but I think we got it straight. I did receive an email today. Thank you. Maureen Howard 2:12:55 It's the curse of the technology and the right old email addresses come up. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 2:13:10 I think I'm good. Maureen Howard 2:13:13 Excellent. Yeah, Paula Anderson 2:13:14 go ahead. My problem with technology is that my dumb computer always does what I tell it not what I want. Unknown Speaker 2:13:31 And one other thing I was thinking I should have spoke up during the meeting. Has anyone reached out to Maxine Mims about possibly using the Evergreen State College parking lot for safe parking Maureen Howard 2:13:44 well within the Maxine and it'd be. Oh, I can see your face and I can't think of her name. The current Dean, but that I think that's a really good idea. When Rob gets back on, he'll remember her name, because she and Garrett and I were on one of the Straight Talk sessions. Robb Huff 2:14:10 Yeah, and I, it's not coming back to me right now either. Maureen Howard 2:14:13 So, yeah, I. I'm sorry. Unknown Speaker 2:14:17 I'll blame the smoke. Maureen Howard 2:14:18 Okay. No, that's a good point. God thanks, put let's put that on the list of potential places. Laurie Do you happen to know while we're waiting for James to come back but Laurie what's the status of the. The other with what I've been calling the, the mediation link to unlawful detainers, that's got a long name that was supposed to start September 15. You're muted. Laurie Davenport 2:14:52 I think it's more like October 1 if we're lucky. We were supposed to have a meeting about this morning but it's. It'll be, I think we're meeting on Monday. So, what's his name. Unknown Speaker 2:15:05 We were just calling out the pilot program but Unknown Speaker 2:15:10 it's escaping my mind right now. Totally smoke filled but. But we, you know, as you know, we have our free 253 running right now, and well just kind of be folded into what happens. So hopefully they're thinking October 1, it's, it's looking different in every county, and some counties are having a little trouble. It's the issues or coordination with the court and coordination with rental assistance, and we've pretty much got both those things happening here now so so that's good for us right now what's happening. Just in terms of evictions cases that are going to court. When we're getting. As you know, 60 day notices for people who, which are illegal. If the landlord wants to sell the house or plans to occupy out so that's becoming a loophole for people who don't really necessarily intend to do those things but want to get rid of the tenant. And so the courts actually monitoring that if a 60 day notice comes up for hearing, and the commissioner says, then I think maybe there's some little fishy about this they'll continue the case and they'll refer the client to us. So that's what's happening. And we're also monitoring the, just the daily stuff that comes up we're looking at it ahead of time and contacting clients so in some ways it's actually better than what we normally do because normally we're just sitting at the courthouse helping with what we can help with so it's a little bit more organized than that right now. Maureen Howard 2:16:47 Good. If people don't remember this is the program that will pile it in I think it's seven counties or six or five or for however many Finally, where, if the person has an unlawful detainer, that they the tenant will have an attorney, so that they can, they'll have a required mediation, professional mediation session. And in that session, we'll be the tenant and the tenant attorney as well as the landlord insured the landlord, choose an attorney as well so it gives a tenant parity at the table and then the extent to which the tenant can come with some proof of rental assistance if that's part of what moves the mediation forward and keeps the tenant housed and so that's the importance of the rental assistance. So, and this is actually coming from the courts. So I mean, it's the state Supreme Court, I think, Unknown Speaker 2:17:51 yeah, they're the ones that. Yeah, Debra Stephenson this this has to happen Maureen Howard 2:17:56 so figure. So, I mean, it you know it's I feel like I could take the walls of my study and just put the moving pieces of response in a way that they could move around or something. James Pogue 2:18:15 You need to do it with like neat pins and like red string and everything so it looks like one of those. Robb Huff 2:18:20 That's right, real killer things. Unknown Speaker 2:18:22 Yeah, Unknown Speaker 2:18:24 for games. Paula Anderson 2:18:28 To keep up with. Maureen Howard 2:18:32 But my husband has to get up in the morning and I say I have a nine o'clock call or I haven't done a Glock call my husband has started saying, I'll see you tomorrow. Paula Anderson 2:18:48 I'd like to go ahead and talk about this late to the newest realignments. Sure. Because I have to leave shortly. I, I'm involved in this because I attend the ministerial Alliance behavioral health planning group. And they bring up not only their behavioral health efforts, but they're homeless outreach efforts and they're doing some very positive sounding stuff. So my suggestion is that that, and I'll be glad to be the link for this particular first step is that I asked to attend a ministerial Alliance meeting virtually and ask them if they would come and make a presentation to the Homeless Coalition about all the stuff they're doing, because I don't know that we've had an overview of their effort they look they're always sort of operated off on the side. And one of the things that's happening now is they're making connections with the major system that they've sort of not been connected with over, over the past year so this is a good time to build a bridge. And I think if we start by asking them to come and present what they're doing, and then open some conversation about okay that concretely, how can we assist each other. That would be a good way to start. I'm open to any other suggestions, but that's my thoughts about it. Robb Huff 2:20:19 I like that owl because I my experience last year and in collaborating with ministerial Alliance, it was always best to go to their, their meeting that was of course in person, but to go to them. And then, if, if, hopefully their timing will work for pastor Christopher to come to a coalition meeting but that would be a great way I think to bridge that gap. Paula Anderson 2:20:48 Well they're cutting a couple of possibilities for people who are committed to him, let them decide and invite them and then I'd have to disconnect with you to get a specific time so that worked out with them. Robb Huff 2:21:02 Yeah. Okay, Theresa Power-Drutis 2:21:03 good. We offer them a date. Now, to kind of speed up the process. I mean, I'm wondering about the second. Maureen Howard 2:21:13 It's candidate forum. Okay. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:21:17 So, and then the ninth is that the land trust so the 16th would be the next one, right, because I think next week could be too fast, would it. Yeah, I don't know. Paula Anderson 2:21:29 I don't even know when the industrial Alliance beats I'm gonna have to bet, because I haven't been attended. Robb Huff 2:21:35 They usually couldn't they used to do a Tuesday meeting so Unknown Speaker 2:21:39 they still have it on Tuesdays. Yeah, I'll be attending the next one I'm just down the street from them and we'll know a lot of the pastor's there. So, yeah, Unknown Speaker 2:21:49 I just, I guess my Theresa Power-Drutis 2:21:49 question is, since l and Richard have already been attending meetings. Is there any problem with just inviting them to come and do a presentation. So we can just get it on the, because then we could offer them two dates, we could say, the 25th or the 16th. Hmm, I can't Unknown Speaker 2:22:09 speak for them. Unknown Speaker 2:22:11 I was gonna say it might be a little early. They just began their meetings, again, they they took a summer off here, so he just started back up. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:22:21 So the 16th is probably better Unknown Speaker 2:22:24 little later I would think. Okay. Maureen Howard 2:22:29 I think that's good in terms of the second point of the relationship, trying to develop a relationship between TMA and the coalition, but on the first point on pastor Christopher's request that all of the homeless organizations, meet to discuss the report, and, uh, you know approach the city. Does that need to be handled more quickly. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:23:01 That's I'm wondering is if he has this idea of convening if we just said, Would you like to convene next week, that it feels like this, if we put it off for a month, it might have a lot less potency. And he may not want to do it, but it doesn't have to be the whole group deciding to do the presentation on what they're doing it could be convenient around that question the recommendations and what could we do as a group. Unknown Speaker 2:23:27 Just a bot. Unknown Speaker 2:23:29 I like that idea as a, as a quick response that respects the urgency that was in his point, and it offers our next event as a time we could start a conversation, which then could lead to a presentation, we can hear more about what they're doing at another point in a formal way, but have a conversation to get started right away and know who else should be involved in it. James Pogue 2:23:54 I would say to a statement like all homeless providers is very vague, I mean, shelter providers outreach providers who is that like this would be the best format and then maybe we all kind of share behind the scenes like hey we have to make sure CCS is here on that day or trm or whoever and try to get them here. But like, you know what, what does that even mean all homeless providers. Maureen Howard 2:24:22 It's another wall James. James Pogue 2:24:25 I mean, there's like, in some worlds I'm trying to like shelter means one thing but like permit supportive housing is another like they're, they're homeless providers, but they don't actually do anything with people who are homeless they house, people and then they serve them, they're not going upstream, I mean it's just, it's, it's a hard statement but I guess most of the time people are homeless providers who are talking about like street outreach and shelters, but what Maureen Howard 2:24:51 the report is about unsheltered PETA. So, it seems to me that that's a focus that everybody who is engaged with, or interested in assisting people who are unsheltered would be the sort of group of homeless organizations. I think you're right, we'd have to make sure that that there are folks who are actually engaged and can take time to attend that part of the meeting sort of thing but James Pogue 2:25:34 I would say to like if we're asking for a sign off or whatever from agencies, then you have to we have to be more strategic of who we're asking that from like they would, you know it would probably be Denny who would need to be there from CCS versus needing to be like Fatimah who would know more about the shelter, as you manage the shelter but might not have permission to sign on a letter or recommendation or whatever. Maureen Howard 2:25:55 But maybe everything doesn't get done in the same meeting. Unknown Speaker 2:25:59 Yeah, that was really my thought is if we could just have this as a follow up to his request for engagement as a time to talk and allow some time because we have, we have the discussion about the coalition next week too, but we could have this as a time to talk about what might be some good ways to engage everybody who is decision makers and deals with various things we could be brainstorming somewhat together. James Pogue 2:26:27 Oh, possibly that could be if we want to do, like I said, the bulk of our conversation next week being breakout sessions we could we could have maybe the Mysterio Alliance present or lead the discussion, have some questions available and then we kind of break into breakout groups that kind of talk it out like what each agency who needs to be here. What does the sign off, need to look like I mean that could be the way we do it, at least for the kind of idea forming stage of stages of it. Paula Anderson 2:26:56 Okay now I'm confused. Here some of you saying we need to really move quickly and let's try to get him here next week for reasons that I wasn't put about, and then I hear other saying well let's, let's work through all this other the side issues, and I'll call them side issues, I'm not sure that's fair. What do you want to do. James Pogue 2:27:19 I think, also, I don't know what the actual request is. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:27:24 I'm hearing, I heard the request from Pastor Gregory is about having a conversation with this group of people, and he was reaching out to this particular group. I think if we say to him. Leave it in his hands. Are you ready to have a conversation next week if you are. We could adjust to that. And then, let's start that conversation and then let's also plan for a time, which is so the first conversation is about what the recommendations are and how we could put it forward. advocate together. And then that part of that conversation is Who else needs to be involved. To make the decision. And I mean that that wouldn't necessarily happen, have to happen at a coalition meeting, it could be something that got sent out by email, it could be people talking one on one with leaders, I, you know, whoever that happens to get the right the right signatures on that letter, or that proposal. That's what I heard. Robb Huff 2:28:30 Well in another piece I think, at least in the ways that he wrote his email he's talking about trying to get those who work directly with homelessness to get together and review the information that's in the survey, and then, then make some recommendations to the city, I don't know if we want to do that with the city in the coalition meeting, um, that might stifle conversation, you know maybe I'm wrong, but it might be something that needs to happen. off line from the regular coalition that's open to everybody. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:29:13 I think it'd be awkward to say all the coalition members are invited except for if you have a connection with the city or county. And I also think if they're going to be, you know, people are going to make exceptions to the recommendations would it be better to have them in the room while we're talking about it. I mean, I don't know, but you're from a different place you people who are funded by the city and county I totally get that you're talking about something different than what I expected. Robb Huff 2:29:38 Yeah, it really depends on what the goals are the conversation and how Frank thing needs to be things need to be. If the city's there obviously it's a different conversation than if the city's not, it doesn't mean that it's bad, Unknown Speaker 2:29:51 I get it. Maureen Howard 2:29:53 I think one thing that would help the ability to have the city there is that well some of us, even though not funded by the city have gone round and round with the city about these exact same things. Colin has not and everything he's expressing publicly in these coalition meetings is a real willingness to accept the city at face terms to respond. And so maybe that just, you know, changes the table enough to at least start this conversation with everybody invited. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:30:47 We may need to come up with two plans for next week, because we don't. I mean, unless we don't want to make that offer to pastor Gregory, we want to make that offer I think we have to either somebody has to call him right now and say, Do you want this space to do that in next week and then we can build around it, or we have to have two plans. One if he chooses to, to take us up on that, and one for if he if it doesn't work for him. Carolyn Reed 2:31:13 N he thoughts Theresa Power-Drutis 2:31:16 should somebody call him. Maureen Howard 2:31:20 Yes, I think somebody should Paula Anderson 2:31:23 be willing to do that suddenly got very over complicated. Maybe I was maybe I was overly naive I, I've been known to be that way sometimes. But I thought we were just going to do a way to introduce the potential of collaborating by process that I suggested, all these other issues are going to come up somewhere in the process. And again, if this needs to happen really quickly that we just have them make a big presentation next week. That's logistically practical. Maureen Howard 2:32:07 I think what pastor, what I understand for meeting the emails what pastor, Christopher is asking is different from what you are suggesting now you're suggesting a collaboration with the ministerial Alliance, which I think is really a good thing. What pastor Christopher is asking for is a meeting of all of the players to take this report. The Collins report, go through those recommendations and try and come up with a cohesive response to the city to implement them. So I don't think they're contradictory, I just think they're two different sort of parallel paths. And I don't think we need a presentation from TMA to begin looking at responding to his request is that we that there be a meeting. Now if Tina if he wants TMA to host that meeting. That's fine. If he wants. If he wants to accept the invitation that we can offer of next Friday, that's fine too. But the other relationship with TMA in the coalition i think is probably. That's a more careful longer discussion of where, you know, they get to present, all that sort of stuff. Al Ratcliffe 2:33:44 Rich What do you think, Theresa Power-Drutis 2:33:53 I don't know. I don't know if he heard you. Unknown Speaker 2:33:56 It's you're on mute. If you Maureen Howard 2:33:59 unmute rich. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:34:02 He's working on it. Rich Berghammer 2:34:05 It's back, I was trying to I was trying to play catch up and get the content of the email. You know, let's try to get some information background before making a comment, and and to see how that was, but it because it seems. You know, I hear you know everything everybody's saying here and. And, I guess, having just a brief clarification. In other words, since you've already had communications with them, you know, just a follow up. You know, response saying oh that's really a great idea and can we implement it this way and is this kind of what you were thinking of, to be able to because I can see both approaches, being within that the the the content of the email and but I think clarification might be necessary. And just, just to brief him following him up on this and might be helpful. Before moving forward. And but but showing the willingness to go, we can make this happen right away if that's the necessity and with respect to the meeting, coming forward to the, to the city is there is that what some of the pressure is meeting, we have to do this right away because of of what what the city's deadlines would be on funding this or. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:35:33 Yeah, some of it is about, if we want to present any kind of unified voice, like the letter that Maureen sent in this case it would be broadening that this is the time to do it. If we have it wait for another month, it's going to be much less impactful than it is now while people are making those decisions. So I would just I want to say, rich if you're willing to call. And just clarify that right now, we'll know whether we should plan something else next week, or if we should be planning to make that be really effective. Unknown Speaker 2:36:05 Well you've already made first contact and this is the discussion between the two of us okay, Theresa Power-Drutis 2:36:09 I thought you were offering to do that. So yeah, I'll if you, Unknown Speaker 2:36:13 I will be in the meeting next Tuesday with them. But, and I think that would be a natural, you know, opportunity to FL, you've already followed up on this. By that time, you can, you know, I might just support whatever it is that you guys have discussed in our in our meeting time. Paula Anderson 2:36:37 I do need to link to their meeting, it could use when you send it to me. Yes, ministry alone. And do they meet every week or do they meet every month, Unknown Speaker 2:36:46 every Tuesday. Unknown Speaker 2:36:49 So I, one of my suggestions for, for now so we can plan this meeting because a number of us have to leave is no Maureen you have so many amazing things on the advocacy thing we don't really get to talk about a lot, and I would think that we could have a backup to extend that conversation just so we could get feedback from people about some of the issues you raise and extend that advocacy not as so we would like it as a report I really appreciate everything you're doing. I just think we could also have useful time on the coalition if we had the time and didn't have the minister Alliance here, because they weren't able to meet next Friday, that we could extend that, and with the conversation about sustainability and reports I think we'd have a pretty good coverage for the meeting. James Pogue 2:37:38 We still have the stuff we're gonna do today which was small groups around the future of the coalition sustainability so we always keep that in our back pocket too. I think route Unknown Speaker 2:37:48 planning. I was assuming that would be a major part of it so I think we're pretty ready for next week with an alternative that if the ministerial Alliance can't show up in whatever format, it works that we extend the conversation around advocacy. That was all my point. Paula Anderson 2:38:04 One thing to complicate complicate complicated the issue would be. Do we want to invite pastor Christopher to talk with the entire coalition or with this planning, but Maureen Howard 2:38:18 I think it's what he wants. Robb Huff 2:38:20 Yeah whatever he's most, most comfortable with probably Maureen Howard 2:38:23 tonight. You're all copied because it went back out, following Al's message just then I told you know encourage Reverend Christopher de if he's not already on the listserv to be on the listserv and Tony and anybody else. From there, from the TMA that, you know, would be appropriate that it's open and this is how we communicate and. So, I think, on the one hand. Yeah, we know the city is doing its strategic plan for response to homelessness across the board, not just winter, we know they're taking it back to they're taking it to the community vitality. Safety Committee. And then to the full council I presume so yeah there is time sensitivity, we know that there is money that's got to be used by the end of December we know that they're making, they're making funding decisions on this longer term increased HUD money that they've got. So yeah, it is time sensitive but on the other hand, the problem is going to continue I mean if it, you know, we could even if we had to wait until they tell the city had its plan. Done. They've said they're going to engage community partners we can always time this meeting to respond to that section of the plan sort of thing so it's not like use it or lose it. Opportunity it's more important that the as I think gal is brought up before that the Minister of oil Alliance feels an equal partner in this. And that we're grateful for his Reverend Christopher's initiative. Paula Anderson 2:40:10 Okay, so what I'll do is contact him, and it did give him the link for the meeting today and encouraged him to participate if the schedule per minute. I'll ask him if he prefers to, if he can come next week and where he preferred their talk with the entire coalition or with this planning group at 11 o'clock and leave it up to him how that should proceed Is that acceptable Maureen Howard 2:40:40 anything for me that's great. Robb Huff 2:40:44 Yep, and just let us know so we can plan accordingly for the actual agenda for Unknown Speaker 2:40:49 Yeah, Theresa Power-Drutis 2:40:50 no matter what happens, I think it's, we can't keep pumping the small group thing down the road. It's been too many meetings where we haven't had real conversations with most of the people in the meeting, and I feel like people are becoming kind of detached if we want to maintain our sense of any kind of community, that can't be the last thing we do that keeps getting bumped down because something is more important. We have to put it up forward. And, you know, if it means saying to the city people if you only have time to come and present come in the second half of the meeting, then that's what it is but I just think it's been like, what, three or four meetings that we've said we're going to do this and we haven't done it so I don't want to get bumped down again. And it's hard when someone says, should we bump it down, like, I want to say no, but it kind of gets decided so I'm putting that in the out there. I understand there's a lot of important stuff community building is also critical to this group. James Pogue 2:41:49 I would say, we're a little bit overloaded on the agenda and there and everybody goes long and there's a little bit of like asking questions that are bringing up tangents that I also would like to encourage, especially this group who seemed to talk a lot like can we, like, really, there's a lot of information that I want people to walk away with, and I don't want them to be confused about what we're sharing and not sharing what was a theory that fell apart but we should have done could have done, like I want them to know what they need to know. So we can do so we can also just kind of also commit to some of our timelines and agenda that'll help too because they were like, knew, we're halfway through the meeting and we're like okay we done two agenda items, and which is great I mean they're really important things to go over but I want to make sure we're not overloading people who are trying to get the nuggets of wisdom, they need to get out of here so maybe it's on us to to like put 50 updates and maybe make it just three or four updates or something, and maybe the city and county don't need to update every week but also I feel like there's so many fluid things happening that we kind of, kind of like to have them update but those are my two cents. So, Maureen Howard 2:42:53 one of the things I thought you did really well this morning was to, you know, redirect the conversation, do it at the beginning before you invite questions, I think, set the parameters of the questions. Right, so that we're all reminded to tie them to that specific item, and not our every waking thought, which I'm always guilty of. So I think that would be a processing James and Rob that would be just really good it's just reminding framing the question section. And I think the other thing is we want to keep the city and county on this list every bloody week. Now the county is reporting, there I don't know. You know, I'm not seeing that information anywhere else, without having to dig into internal Pierce County. Reporting stuff. And I, I think that's part of what's keeping them on their toes on a rap frankly, is that they're reporting that every week, and I wish we had something equivalent that the city would report every week. James Pogue 2:44:07 Well if we have a request we can ask them. Hmm. Unknown Speaker 2:44:12 Say al. Um, one quick thing I going backwards a little bit here but I'm after having read through, Pastor Christopher's response. Am I mistaken in thinking that you know the best route to what he was trying to get at is to put his request. In an agenda item so that, because you know like James you'd mentioned, what exactly would would be the providers that he's trying to refer to, you know, in other words homeless people are engaged in this, what exactly does that encompass, and it looks like when we have 60 or 70 people here under discussion. I think within the context of what his request was these would be the providers, at least to a fair amount you know he's he's covering a lot of ground there, and an agenda item to cover what he was requesting. Isn't that kind of what what he was looking for is the just simply, you know he's going up, I'd like to have this discussed in this kind of context, and is am I missing the mark in in what he was responding. And I was responding. Robb Huff 2:45:32 Yeah, in a number of ways I kind of think it seems like what he's requesting is that there be a discussion about the results of that report. And that the common ministerial Alliance. Be part of it, part of that discussion so I agree with you, Paula Anderson 2:45:56 and how to advocate for the recommendations in that point. Unknown Speaker 2:46:01 Collectively, yeah. Maureen Howard 2:46:06 Okay, so we are still on track then if pastor Christopher is ready to have this be an agenda item next Friday, well and good. If not, we'll put it on later. And somebody will tell me. Tuesday night, whether or not they're gonna what the agenda items item will be so I can prepare something for Friday. Robb Huff 2:46:38 That sounds workable. Unknown Speaker 2:46:44 That's good. Robb Huff 2:46:46 And I agree with you, Teresa that regardless we put the small group conversation about the, the coalition in toward the front of the meeting. So, if not right after the welcome then real close to that. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:47:01 So I just want to be clear, I don't really care what the small group discussion is about. It's not that it's that there be a time where people can tap. Right. And I think I want to say too because I was getting intense about that. I just think this group has been amazing, in making this all come together and James and Rob, Maureen, all of you but you three have done so much to keep to hold us together to be the glue that keeps this group going and I know it's not easy and I really. You're doing a great job. So know that. Maureen Howard 2:47:36 I thought we just signed on for the month of September, right. My initial proposal whether we take this like month at a time, Robb Huff 2:47:44 slippery slope, I think. Thank you. James Pogue 2:47:49 Yeah, wouldn't be the worst idea to start recruiting. Some understudies or something, who might want to, you know, host a meeting or do some support in some way that would be good I tried before I had a staff member named Ben, who was really working on his like leadership and communications stuff and I put them and he was doing like every. I don't know once a month or something for a couple of months and then he kind of fell off. But, yeah, I'll start looking and see if I can find some more support is Unknown Speaker 2:48:17 working for you. James Pogue 2:48:19 Yeah, yes he just started doing you know his work can then can do this so. Theresa Power-Drutis 2:48:25 So maybe he would be game for, I would, I would be happy to host the meeting on the ninth with Ben, if he would be interested in hosting, because that's someone on the land trust. James Pogue 2:48:37 Oh sure, I'll talk to Ben see if he wants to pick start picking back up a couple of different meetings, and join you on the night. Sounds good. Maureen Howard 2:48:46 One thing before we go that I thought was really nice today that bridged the visual nature was Nate, you know, having somebody with lots of energy, direct involvement, not the manager managers are great but here's somebody who's frontline with just, I mean it was just like, it felt good. Yeah, like, that's part of what we should look at going forward is, how do we find the people who are, you know, who can bring that kind of energy, they're not presenting the global picture. It's just, this is what it's all about. James Pogue 2:49:34 I definitely try to get my actual people who do the work to present when I, when I do presentations like when we had, you know, Tammy and stuff for the youth stuff, Danielle and Tammy and Selena but yeah I think it was good just good feedback is it was kind of fun to to have him back in the field like his car would have would have been nice. He could have walked around the east side center I don't think there's any clients there like shown everybody but yeah I think we could do some information stuff too, or do some outreach to the staff trying to get them to present on what they do. It can be terrifying but it also can be very gratifying for them to like get a chance to highlight their own work. Unknown Speaker 2:50:14 I went to put in also I mentioned it last time but because I think we would have to plan ahead for this is to have some presentations of the lived reality of neighbors who are responding to people living homeless. I know the Nora was here earlier on the call from First United Methodist where they've been dealing with parking issues and, and people sheltering around their place and G Street has an enormous new crises related to the encampments and so I think we I'd like to have us plan ahead for maybe a month from now or somewhere that that really invites people who are in neighborhoods that are impacted to come and discuss how they are relating to folks and I don't mean as a complaint session I mean a. This is some lived reality that's another side of the outreach workers and you have the neighbors house, neighbors, so that just to put that on the table again, as something to plan. James Pogue 2:51:27 Wow. All right, anything else, I think I'm ready to go find my lunch. Unknown Speaker 2:51:32 All right, thank you very much, everybody. James Pogue 2:51:35 Again I'm walking away Rob but that was nothing on my to do list at this moment but if there is something to remind me before Wednesday typically make Wednesday the day get everything done by So, Robb Huff 2:51:45 and thank you for that prompt to this week because that was helpful. Yeah. James Pogue 2:51:50 Awesome, well see for some time or next week at the latest I'm sure Robb Huff 2:51:54 sounds great. Thanks everybody. Hi. Transcribed by